currently selected library F13 error handling C45
cursor C7 error message C45
cursor control keys A4, A8 ESCAPE key A7
cursor editing C7, App2.7 external connections App11.1
fault findmg A3
DATA (BASIC) C50 fdrive B12, App3.2
data (Panel) Bl2, App3.1 field (Card Index) B3
data file C54 field (BASIC) C23
database B2 file B3, B6, C54, F1, App3.2
default language B13 file server Bl2
DEFFN C36 filename F8
DEFPROC C31 filing system B13, F1
DELETE A6, C9 filing system commands App5.l
DELETE key A6 flashing colours C62
deleting D6, F16 floppy disc F1
DIM C52 font B13
dir B12, App3.2 footer D22
directory B6, F9, F13 FOR. . .NEXT C37
directory catalogue D2, F9 foreground colour Bl4
disc drive A1, A13, F3, G2, App 11.2 formatting F5
  function C36
DISC UTILS B12 function key A4, A8 ,C10
double height characters C61 function key definition C10
double-sided F3
double spacing B12 games B9
Econet G4, App11.1 GET C28
global operation D22
Econet (Printer) B12 global variable C34
Econet socket G4 graphics A9, C56
EEPROM B10 graphics cursor C14
Elite C13 graphics mode Cl4
ELSE C44 graphics window C24
End Of File C56 hard break A7
end of file marker C56 header D22
ENVELOPE B11 hexadecimal C58
ENDPROC C31 Hierarchy F10
ENVELOPE C65 hierarchical directory structure F10
EOF C56 highlight codes D21
Epson D21ERL C46 high-resolution graphics C56
ERR C46  
Index - 2