ESCAPE and BREAK as their names imply, are provided to enable you to

interrupt what the computer is doing, although ESCAPE also has a special

significance when using VIEW. ESCAPE should be considered to be a 'polite

request', which normally stops the computer without any side-effects, whereas

BREAK is a definite command which stops the computer at all costs.

Depression of BREAK alone is sometimes referred to as a soft break because it

has the effect of resetting the computer to the condition it was in at the start of

the current session (BASIC, VIEW etc.). A hard break is achieved by pressing

CTRL+BREAK; this resets the computer so that it assumes the state in which it

would normally be immediately after switching on.

SHIFT+BREAK„„„ has a special significance when using a disc unit and further

details are given in the section entitled The Icon Software, on page B1

The potential side-effects of accidental depression of BREAK can be avoided by

turning the break key lock (see illustration) clockwise through 90'' using a

suitable flat-bladed screwdriver. Normal operation is restored by returning the

screwhead to its original position

Break Lock

The numeric keypad

The numeric keypad is provided as a convenient means of entering large

quantities of numeric data -- it contains:

-- the digits 0 -- 9;

-- symbols denoting the four arithmetic operations (* being used for

multiplication, / for division);

-- full stop (decimal point) and comma;

-- separate RETURN and DELETE keys;

-- the # symbol.

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