
The final item in the Note Pad menu, 'Export Notepad', transfers the contents

of the note pad into the VIEW word processor ready for printing. This function

is covered in greater detail in the section on VIEW, later in this manual.


Catalogue allows you to examine the contents of the Welcome disc which is in

the disc drive. Programs and information are stored on the disc in chunks,

known as files, and these files are organised into groups, known as

directories: we speak of 'cataloguing' a directory to reveal which files it

contains. You may want to refer forwards to the chapter on Filing Systems to

fully understand some of what follows.

Upon pointing to the Catalogue entry on the menu-bar a menu will appear

containing an entry for turning the Catalogue window on and off, and three

other entries. If you select the first entry the Catalogue window will appear and

in it a list of the files and sub-directories in the Currently Selected Directory

(CSD). At the top of the list is an entry for '<Parent>', this being the directory

above the CSD in the disc structure. Below this are alphabetically-ordered

entries for sub-directories (marked '<Dir>') and files, which are followed by

their size in bytes or Kilobytes (indicated by a 'K'). You can expand the window

with the stretch-box to see more information about files.

Selecting an item in the list has an effect which depends on the type of the item:

selecting a directory will reveal its contents, whilst selecting a file will cause it

to be highlighted, awaiting a further command. These commands may be any

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