Appendix 3

Operating system commands

Operating system commands provide a means of communicating your

requirements to the MOS. The commands described below are of a general

nature; summaries of the commands applicable to the various filing systems

are contained in Appendix 5.

Operating system commands may be issued directly from the keyboard (in

which case they are terminated by depression of RETURN or incorporated in

programs (where they should appear as the last statement on a line).

Most commands may be abbreviated to their first few characters terminated by

a . -- where applicable; the minimum abbreviation for each command is given

in brackets after each command name.

Commands marked '' apply to facilities required only by advanced users and

full details can be found in the Reference Manual.

*CODE '' Provide a means of executing machine code
routines which are already in memory as if they
were part of the MOS.
*CONFIGURE Provide a direct means of altering the settings held
(*CO.) in the EEPROM (i.e. without using the Control
Panel utility described on page B 10).
*CONFIGURE takes one or two parameters, the
first being the name of the setting to be changed;
the second (if necessary) being the value to be
stored in the EEPROM. Note that you can restore
default values by holding down the 'R' key whilst
turning power on to the computer. In the
parameter list below, n and m denote decimal
numbers; x denotes a number in hexadecimal
BAUD n Change the RS232 transmit/receive
rate setting according to n.
BOOT Reverses the actions of BREAK and
CAPS Set CAPS LOCK option.

App 3.1