nt> Master Compact Welcome Guide

Once loaded, ENVELOPE displays a number of boxes. Two different envelopes

may be defined by changing the content of the box marked Number; the

remaining boxes represent the settings of the 14 parameters associated with

the currently-selected envelope:

Length    Length of each step l/l00sec.

Pstepl    Change of pitch per step in I

Pstepi2    Change of pitch per step in 2

Pstep3    Change of pitch per step in 3

Steps I    Number of steps in section I

Steps2    Number of steps in section 2

Steps3    Number of steps in section 3

AstepA    Amplitude change in attack

AstepD    Amplitude change in decay

AstepsS    Amplitude change in sustain

AstepR    Amplitude change in release

Peak    Target level at end of attack

Level    Target level at end of decay

You can move between the boxes by using „<--- and -->; the current box will be

highlighted in black. To increase or decrease the value held in the current box

press arrow up or arrow down as required. Alternatively, you can load a number of 'pre-set' envelopes by pressing any of the function keys.

The effect of the current set &ENVELOPE parameters can be heard using the

keyboard, which is divided up into two 'piano-style' keyboards:


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