to many types of computers and peripherals. The MODEM, a device which

permits computer data to be sent over telephone lines, is a common RS232

device as are line plotters which produce hard-copy graphical output.

The RS232 socket accepts a '5-pin Domino DIN' plug, whose connector pin-out

is illustrated in Appendix 10. Your Acorn dealer will be able to supply you with

the interface itself and also with most readily available RS232 devices,

including MODEMs.

Connecting a Joystick, Mouse or Trackball

Many computer applications require two-dimensional input from the user of

greater precision than, say, the cursor keys can conveniently provide. In such

cases it is common to employ a 'pointing device' such as:

-- a joystick, named after the aircraft pilot's control;

-- a mouse, being a device held under the hand which may be moved about


-- a trackball, which is similar to a mouse but has a larger ball facing upwards

which may be spun with the hand.

Any of these pointing devices may be plugged into the 'Joystick/Mouse'

connector on the rear panel. This is a 9-pin D-type plug, and should thus

accomodate any Atari-compatible joystick and most other devices which

conform to this standard.

The Econet Network

Your computer may optionally be fitted with an interface to enable it to act as a

terminal on an Acorn Econet local area network. The Econet can interconnect

up to 250 computers, facilitating the sharing of expensive resources such as

very large fixed disc drives and high quality printers. The Econet can also

provide a path from desktop terminals to faster commercial networks and

thence into the international data transmission services.

The Econet interface is supplied as a plug-in circuit board which is fitted inside

the keyboard case; connection is then made to the network cable by means of a

flying lead from the 'Econet' socket on the rear panel. Consult the appropriate

documentation for further information.

Your Acorn dealer can give you further details on the advantages offered by

the Econet network, as well as supplying interfaces and other supporting


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