further down, perhaps to begin another paragraph, you must press RETURN to

add extra lines.

Clearly, moving through a long document using cursor keys alone can be

somewhat tedious. Take the cursor back up the text by holding down SHIFT and

pressing the up arrow key. The effect of SHIFT is to make the cursor jump in

blocks of one screenful rather than one line at a time - useful for scanning

quickly through a document. Another facility for speeding up movement

around a document can be seen on function keys f1 (TOP OF TEXT) and

f2 (BOTTOM OF TEXT). Their purpose is self-evident.

GRANTI contains several mistakes, each of which can be easily corrected

using VIEW. Firstly, if the letter has been delayed, the date may have to be

changed. Using a typewriter the alteration could be made with correcting fluid

but the result is unlikely to be entirely satisfactory. In fact, when a letter

contains more than one or two mistakes, the only realistic option is to retype

the letter. VIEW enables you to correct such mistakes quickly and

undetectably .

Take the cursor to the first character of the date and type:

5 March

Your new date will replace or overtype the one on the screen. A few characters

from 26 February will remain but these can be removed by moving the cursor to

the space beyond y and using DELETE

As a result of changing the date, the reference in the first sentence to last

month will have to change to in January. Do this now by overtyping.

The next mistake can be seen in line 2 where the word with has been

inadvertently typed twice. It is possible to overtype one of the words with

spaces, but unless the whole line were to be retyped this would leave a large

gap between two words. Take the cursor to the w of the first with and press:


You will see the character disappear and everything to the right of the cursor

will move over to close the gap. The cursor should now be on the letter i. Press

f9 to delete this and twice more to delete the t and the h.

On line 5, a letter has been omitted from the word development. Place the

cursor on the letter p and press:


Everything to. the right of, and including, the cursor position will move to the

right to make an extra space. Now type o and the correction is complete.

The next mistake occurs towards the end of the paragraph where a line of text

D 6