
ADFS is an introduction to the way the computer stores information on discs.

You might like to use it in conjunction with the Filing Systems section of this


KEYBOARD is an program designed to help you to familiarise yourself with

the operation of the keyboard. You will be shown a character which you must

find and press; the computer will time you and display your score out of ten in

each of five different tests, together with the average time that you take to find

each key.

SCREENS cycles through the eight basic screen modes and displays examples

of text, the available colours and, where possible, the basic graphics capability.

TEXT demonstrates the computer's ability to display text in a variety of

orientations and styles.


Each of the applications programs are dealt with individually, either later in

this guide or within separate guides supplied with the computer.


ADVENTURE is an adventure game in which you must explore a world

revealed to you by the computer -- the aim is to find the hidden treasure.

The computer will describe your surroundings, possible routes you may take

and what objects (if any) are to hand. You give instructions using simple

commands of one or two words. For example, to 'go north', you could type

GO NORTH or simply NORTH. (In fact, NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, UP and

DOWN can also be abbreviated to N, S, E, W, U and D respectively.) You can

collect any objects you come across (such as a key) by typing TAKE KEY or

GET KEY. If you type INVENTORY (or simply INV) you will be given a list of the

objects which you are carrying. Do not be afraid to experiment with a wide

range of words -- you may be surprised to learn how many commands the

program can understand!


Aqua attack is an arcade-style game in which you score points by destroying

various objects in an undersea scene. You control the movement of the black

submarine using either the keyboard or a joystick. (See Appendix 11 for

instructions on how to connect a joystick).

Points are scored for each direct hit on an object but some require several hits

before they are destroyed. If you hit the rapidly-moving 'sea-snake', it splits

into two segments. You lose one of your three lives if you steer your submarine

into any object or if you are caught by either the octopus or a falling mine !

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