More advanced print formatting

When producing a table of figures, it is useful to print at particular positions

without having to use TAB every time. If the printed items are separated by

commas the computer does this automatically:

10 MODE 135

15 REM Lines 20 & 30 help

16 REM to show character positions

20 PRINT TAB(10) "111111111122222222223"

30 PRINT "0123456789012345678901234567890"

40 PRINT 1.23,4.567,89

Running the program gives:



1.23 4.567 89

Each number is printed at the right-hand side of a column 10 characters wide.

These columns are called fields and the width of each field is set to 10

characters when the computer is switched on.

Text is printed to the left of the field, as you can see by adding:

50PRINT "Hello" ,"my" ,"friend"

which gives:



1.23 4.567 89

Hello my friend

If a number or word is longer than the field width, the item following is printed

in the next empty field. For example:



1.23 4.567 89

Congratulations my friend

The field width can be altered to vary from 0 to 255 characters:

10MODE 135

18REM set field width to 8 characters

19 REM giving 5 fields across the screen

20 @%=&08

30 PRINT TAB(8) "Income from sales regions"

C 23