The screen will look like this:

VIEW opening screen

If you are currently using screen mode 7, there will be only 40 character

positions across the screen. Mode 131, with 80 character positions, is far more

useful. We shall see later that a number of the available character positions on

each line are reserved for special purposes. To select mode 131, type:


Throughout this chapter, it will be assumed that you are using screen mode

131. Remember that modes 128 -135 are identical to modes 0 -7 except for the

memory that is available to hold your text. Note, however, that the VIEW

command screen will always show one of modes 0 7.

You are looking at the VIEW command screen. This is the screen from which

general commands such as SAVE will be issued. Note also that commands to

the operating system (*commands) can be issued from the VIEW command

screen. For example, you can speed up the cursor movement by typing:

* FX 12,3 RETURN

To return to the standard cursor speed, type:

*Fx12,0 RETURN

Another useful command is *CAT which displays a list of the files stored on a

disc. More information on operating system commands can be found in

Appendix 3.

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