100 CLS

190 INPUT "Whose number do you want",name$

200 search=0


220 search=search+1

230 IF name$=friend$(search) THEN PRINTname$;" has the number

" ;numb$(search)

240 UNTIL search=count OR name$=friend$(search)

250 IF name$<>friend$(search) THEN PRINT'"I can't find this name"


PROCread _file reads the contents of the file back into memory and stores the

names and phone numbers in two arrays friend$( ) and numb$( ).

Line 90 opens the file using OPENIN so that data can be input from it. Once

again we save the channel number, this time storing it in the variable

that _one.

The loop from lines 110 to 140 reads in items from the file and stores the data in

the arrays. Line 130 inputs data via the channel that _ one.

The computer does not know how many data items there are in the file, so it

continues to read data until it reaches the End Of File (EOF) at line 140. As

there is no more data, line 150 closes the file.

Al] the data has now been copied from the file into the arrays friend$( ) and

numb$( ), and PROCfind _number searches those arrays for the phone

number if you input as friend's name.

The previous two programs are very simple and only illustrate the principles of

using files. Much more sophisticated software is available which allows you to

create and modify files of data of any nature, rather than specifically names

and phone numbers. You can expand your system to include ViewStore, a very

powerful file-handling program, details of which are available from Acorn.

More about graphics

In any graphics mode a fixed number of pure colours can be shown on the

screen simultaneously. Four other patterns made up from a combination of the

pure colours can also be displayed. For example, in mode 129 four pure colours

are available, and four patterns. This program displays all eight colours at the

same time by drawing seven rectangles on a background of black:

10 MODE 129

20 PR0Cpure

30 PROCmixed

40 END

50 DEFPR0Cpure
