Appendlx 5

Filing system commands

Listed below are the commands available under the various filing systems. In

reality, many of the commands are handled by the MOS but, for the sake of

completeness, such commands are listed (and duplicated) under each filing

system heading.

Most commands may be abbreviated to their first few characters terminated by

a . -- where applicable; the minimum abbreviation for each command is given

in brackets after each command name.

Commands marked | | apply to facilities required only by advanced users; full

details can be found in the Reference Manual.

The ROM Filing System

*CAT (*.) Display a catalogue (i.e. a list of filenames plus other
information) of all ROM Filing System ROMs.
*CLOSE (*CL.) Close all currently open RFS files.
*DUMP (*D.) Produce a hexadecimal dump of the named RFS file.
For example:
*DUMP MYFILE produces a dump of file MYFILE.
*EX || Similar to *CAT (above) except that it provides
additional information about each file.
*EXEC (*E.) Cause the MOS to take input from the named RFS
file rather that the keyboard. For example:
*EXEC START causes the MOS to take input from file
*LIST (*LI.) || Display the content of the named RFS file in
GSREAD format with line numbers.
*LOAD (*L.) || Load the named RFS file into memory.
*0PT1 (*0,1) Adjust the level of output during file operations:
*OPT'1,0 suppresses output of all information;
*OPT'1 ,1 allows output of the filename, block count
and length;

App 5.1