Line 94 uses RESTORE to make the program read data beginning at line 280

or at 500, depending upon the set of questions are chosen.


The computer is very useful for finding a particular data item in a long list or

for sorting sets of data into a particular order. For example, you might want to

sort a list of names into alphabetical order. The computer is quite able to do

this, but it needs to compare every name with every other name to decide upon

their order. All the names must be accessible at the same time, and it is easier

to compare them if they are all stored in a list or array.

This program reads 10 names into an array and then displays any selected


10 MODE 135

20 PR0Cset_up_array

30 PR0Cfind

40 END

50 DEFPR0Cset_up_array

60 DIM name$(10)

70 FOR count=1 TO 10

80 READ name$(count)

90 NEXT count


110 DATA Smith,BLoggs,Hutchings,Broome

120 DATA Turner,Dick,James,Neale,Sewell,van Someren

130 DEFPR0Cfind

140 INPUT "Which name do you want (1-10)",number

150 PRINT' "Number " ;number;" in the list is ";name$(number)


The DIM statement in line 60 tells the computer how many items there are in

the array -- in this case, 10. The loop from lines 70 to 90 reads the names from

data statements and automatically stores them in the array name$, so that

name$(l) is Smith, name$(2) is Bloggs, and so on. PROCfind at 130 is included

so that you can confirm for yourself that the computer has stored the names in

the order they are given in the DATA statements.

The program can search through the array very rapidly to find a name or set of

names which meet certain requirements. For example, to find all names

beginning with a particular letter, change the last few lines to:

140 INPUT "Which letter shoutd the name begin with " ,letter$

150 FOR count=1 TO 10

160 name$=name$(count)

C 52