INPUT ignores any spaces at the beginning of an input or anything typed after

a comma:

What is your name ? Nero,Emperor of Rome

Hello Nero. Pleased to meet you.

If you need to type in text that includes spaces at the start or may include

commas, you should use INPUT LINE rather than INPUT:

20 INPUT LINE "What is your name ";name$

This gives:

What is your name ? Nero,Emperor of Rome

Hello Nero,Emperor of Rome. Pleased to meet you.


In some programs, such as games, the computer needs to respond as soon as a

key is pressed. Programs like this use GET or INKEY rather than INPUT

statements. GET waits until a key is pressed before continuing:

10 MODE 135

20 PRINT "Press any key to continue"

30 chosen=GET

40PRINT "The program has ended."

INKEY causes the computer to wait for a key to be pressed within a fixed time:

10 MODE 135

20 PRINT "Press any key to continue"

30 PRINT "You have 3 seconds only !"

40 chosen=INKEY(300)

50 PRINT "The program has ended."

The timing is in hundredths of a second, so line 40 makes the computer wait for

a key depression for three seconds (300 hundredths of a second). If no key is

pressed within three seconds, the computer moves on to the next line of the

program. If a key is pressed, the computer immediately continues with the next

line of the program.

ASCII codes

Both GET and INKEY produce what is called the ASCII code of the depressed

key. Internally, the computer uses a number from 0 to 255 to represent each

character that it stores in its memory. This number is the character's ASCII

code. For example, the ASCII code for A is 65, B is 66 and C is 67, so the

computer would store the word CAB as the numbers 67, 65 and 66.

C 28