The loop from lines 130 to 150 only ends when a key with an ASCII code

between 48 and 53 is pressed. These are the ASCII codes for the numbers 1 to 4

on .the keyboard, so this loop screens out accidental key depressions like Q or W.

Subtracting 48 from the ASCII code in line 160 gives a number from 1 to 4

again and line 170 uses this number to choose which of four procedures to

execute. If choice=1, the computer carries out PROCload, with choice_2, it

executes PROCsave, and so on. After carrying out the procedure the computer

continues with line 180.

The program avoids the problems that might arise with a wrong key depression

by only continuing when one of the keys 1 to 4 is pressed. However, the loop

from lines 130 to 150 can be omitted and the problem of incorrect keys handled

by an extension of the ON...PROC statement:

120 PRINT TAB(7,22)"Your choice, 1 to 4 ";

140 response=GET

160 choice=response-48

170 ON choice PROCLoad, PROCsave, PROCdraw, PROCmake_sure ELSE


The computer executes PROCwrong_key if choice does not fall in the range 1

to 4. Only a single statement can follow the ELSE, although it need not be a

PROC, for example:

170 ON choice PROCload, PROCsave, PROCdraw, PROCmake_sure ELSE

PRINT"Wrong key ! "

ON...PROC is very useful, but note that it only works with numbers which

must range from one upwards in steps of one. Normally, therefore you will need

to carry out some kind of calculation in order to produce a suitable range of


Error handling

You can reduce the time you spend correcting errors in your programs by using

procedures and sensible variable names, but it is inevitable that you will make

some mistakes. The computer is able to identify some types of error itself, and

gives an error message to let you know what is wrong.

You should always include an error-handling routine in your program. This

tells you (or anyone else using the program) as much about the error as

possible, and makes correcting it easier:


20 MODE 130

30 PROCmain_program

C 45