Additional features of VIEW

This concludes the introduction to word processing using VIEW. By now you

should have an understanding of what word processing is all about and a

working knowledge of VIEW. As you will probably appreciate, we have been

able to describe only the basic features of the word processor. Given below are

outlines of some of the more advanced features of VIEW, operational details of

which can be found in the full VIEW Guide which is available from your



A macro is a piece of text that is given a unique 'name', and may then be

incorporated in the main text as often as required merely by repeating the

name in the margin. A macro may also be modified so that each time it is

called, different words or phrases, known as parameters are inserted at

particular positions.

A common use of macros is in the printing of personalised standard letters, as

mentioned in the introduction to this chapter. The letter can be printed as

many times as needed and each copy will include a different name and address.

Another possibility is in the production of documents which are made up from

standard pieces of text, for example legal contracts, where details are inserted

to customise the document before printing.

The Card Index program, which we looked at in the section on the Icon

software, has a facility for 'exporting' the names and addresses it stores so that

they may be used in preparing personalised letters. The 'Transfer Index' option

in the Card Index's menu generates a file containing VIEW macros which may

be READ into VIEW.

Global editing

You have used the CHANGE command to alter words throughout a document.

Similar operations include SEARCH, which will locate items of text and

REPLACE which performs the same job as CHANGE but gives you the option

to accept or reject each alteration.

Special symbols can be used which enable all of these facilities to operate on

invisible characters such as tabs and carriage returns. In addition there is a

wildcard symbol which can be used, for example, to search for all occurrences

of a word even though some occurrences may be misspelt.

Further printing facilities

Additional printing facilities include the use of headers and footers. They can

be used to print a document with, for example, automatic page numbering and

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