You may want an IF ...THEN statement to be executed only if several

conditions are true at the same time:

345 IF right<3 AND missed=2 THEN PRINT'"Quite pathetic."

AND can also be used to end a REPEAT...UNTIL loop:

270 UNTIL missed=2 AND right=5

Now the loop only ends after you have both missed two letters and have five

correct -- not a very sensible test!

There is (almost) no limit to the number of conditions, for example you might


270 UNTIL missed=2 OR TIME>2000 OR right>5

Multiple choices

IF... THEN ...ELSE is useful if there are only two alternative choices of action,

but often in a program there may be many more. For example, programs often

contain a menu which allows the user to choose one of a number of actions.

Here is the start of a drawing program which contains a menu:

10 MODE 135

20 PROCmenu

30 END

40 DEFPROCmenu


60 CLS

70 PRINT TAB(7,5)"Do you want to:"

80 PRINT TAB(8,9)"1 Load a picture"

90 PRINT TAB(8,12)"2 Save a picture"

100 PRINT TAB(8,15)"3 Draw a picture"

110 PRINT TAB(8,18)"4 End the program"

120 PRINT TAB(7,22)"Your choice, 1 to 4 ";


140 response=GET

150 UNTIL response>48 AND response<53

160 choice=response-48

170 ON choice PROCLoad, PROCsave, PROCdraw, PROCmake_sure

180 UNTIL choice=4


(This program is incomplete and gives an error message if you run it.)

C 44