150 DRAW 600,500

160 PLOT 85,200,800


180 DEFPROCright_wing

190 GCOL 0,1

200 MOVE 1080,200

210 DRAW 600,500

220 PLOT 85,1080,800


The main program is really only lines 10 to 50:

10MODE 2


30 PROCleft_wing

40 PROCright_wing

50 END

Lines 20 to 40 are known as procedure calls. Each PROC tells the computer

not to obey the next line number. Instead it must search the program for a

DEFinition of the PROCedure (DEFPROC) with the correct procedure name,

and obey the instructions in that procedure.

For example, after line 20 the computer moves to line 60 and then executes

lines 70 to 100 which draw the butterfly's body. Line 110 is the END of the


After carrying out the procedure, the computer returns to the line after the

procedure call to carry on with the program. Here the line following line 20 is

another procedure call. PROCleft _wing draws the butterfly's left wing, and

the computer then executes PROCright _wing, which draws the right wing.

The END in line 50 tells the computer that the program is finished. END is

optional in some programs, such as the Teddy program. It must be used here as

otherwise the computer will carry on and execute line 60 (and attempt to draw

the butterfly body again!

The order in which procedures appear does not matter and you can place

procedures wherever you want within a program, except at the very beginning.

Procedure names follow much the same rules as for variable names, although a

procedure name can begin with a number.

A procedure can be called more than once in a program, saving you the trouble

of repeating program lines:

10 MODE 130


30 PROCengine

C 31