B. The Icon Software

In recent years increasing importance has been placed on making computers

more consistent and therefore simpler to use. This benefits experts and novices

alike, since it usually means fewer references to weighty instruction manuals

such as this! Your Master Series computer is supplied with a set of programs

which provide a simulated 'desktop environment' which behaves in much the

same way as that of some popular but more expensive computers, and it is

likely that you will quickly see the benefits of this approach.

Loading the program

Ensure that your Welcome disc is inserted into disc drive 0 and then press and

hold down SHIFT+BREAK, releasing the BREAK key first.

At this point the disc drive light will glow and after a few seconds the screen

will clear to reveal the Icon software 'Welcome page', shown below, with its list

of words across the top and its arrow-shaped cursor.


Operating the Icon software

The central feature of the Icon software is that in order to tell the computer to

do something you do not have to type at the keyboard but instead you can

simply point to an object on the screen, the objects being either words or small

pictures known as icons. Unfortunately, you cannot touch the appropriate

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