This number specifies the number of lines in the new page length.

Subsequent PRINT or SCREEN operations on that file will now result in a page

length of 50 lines.

Sometimes page breaks occur at inconvenient points such as in the body of a

table or immediately following a heading (SCREEN shows you where they will

occur). This may be remedied using the stored command PE -- which stands for

Page Eject. The command is placed in the margin wherever the printer is

required to move on to a new page. It overrides the automatic page breaks

specified by the PL stored command.

On page D 16 you were introduced to the stored commands CE and RJ. Now you

can add PL and PE to the list. These commands serve to illustrate the way in

which stored commands operate in VIEW and they are sufficient for most

general printing tasks. However, there are many more stored commands

available in VIEW and users are referred to Appendix 9 and the VIEW User


Highlight codes

To allow you to introduce 'special effects' such as underlining and emboldening

of words into your text there are two function keys with the legends 'Highlight

1' and 'Highlight 2'. These are displayed as a reversed line and asterisk

respectively. Highlight 1 is used ta underline text by placing the symbol at the

start and end of the text to be underlined. Highlight 2 will 'double-strike' text to

produce a bold effect, and this is similarly employed by inserting the Highlight

2 character before and after the text which you wish to be affected. Any

amount of text, from a single letter to several pages, can be affected by the

highlight codes. You can use both at the same time, for very strong emphasis,

by placing one of each character at the start and end of a piece of text.

Printer drivers

Because printers differ in the codes which activate special features, a 'Printer

driver' program is necessary to translate codes on VIEW's behalf and control

the printer. VIEW has a printer driver for EPSON .compatible printers built in,

but you may wish to change this for another by means of the PRINTER


Typing PRINTER and pressing RETURN will cause the printer driver to be reset

to a simple type, with a corresponding change to the text at the top of the

command screen. This printer driver is suitable for printers with limited


D 21