Arrays                                C52

Files                                 C54

More about graphics                   C56

The teletext mode                     C61

Sound                                 C64

128K BASIC                            C66

Assembly language                     C66

D Introducing VIEW                D1

What is word processing?              D1

The VIEW word processor               D1

Printing from VIEW                    D20

Additional features of VIEW           D22

E The ABC Word Processor          E1

Starting with ABC                     E1

WRITE, READ and WRITE and the SLATE   E8

Converting ABC files for use with VIEW      E14

F Filing Systems                 F1

What is a filing system?             F1

Standard filing systems              F1

The ROM Filing System (RFS)          F2

The Advanced Disc Filing System (ADFS)   F2

Using the ADFS                       F7

Directories                          F9

More about directories               F13

MOS filing system commands           F19

G Expanding the system           G1

Connecting colour and monochrome monitors     G1

Connecting a television              G1

Disc drives                          G2

Connecting a printer                 G2

The RS232 interface                  G3

Connecting a Joystick, Mouse or Trackball       G4

The Econet Network                   G4