7 Start printing

Press number key 7 to begin printing. Instructions for connecting and setting

up a printer can be found on page G 2.

Note: Attempting to print without a printer attached or with the printer

switched off will cause the program to 'pause'. If this happens, press ESCAPE

to resume writing.

Converting ABC files for use with View

The Welcome disc supplied with your computer contains a program called

INTER which will convert a file produced by ABC into a form that can be read

by the View word processor.

Select INTER from the list of applications provided in the menu system.

INTER provides four options:

1 Load ABC file

2 Save VIEW file

3 Use a * command

4 End

Option 1 asks you for the name of the ABC file you wish to convert and option 2

asks you for the name you wish to use for the converted file. Use a different

filename for the new file if you wish to retain the original ABC version.

Option 3 allows you to use * commands (such as *CAT etc.), just as in ABC.

Selection of option 4 will return you to the computer's menu system.

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