G. Expanding the System

This section covers expansions to your basic computer in the form of

peripherals (i.e. printers, joysticks etc.) The aim here is to provide basic

information -- it is important to read and follow any additional instructions

provided with any peripheral or expansion unit.

The computer has a number of sockets on the rear panel into which peripherals

may be plugged. Additionally, there is an expansion connector on the

right-hand side when the case is viewed from the front which provides all the

electrical signals necessary to add more sophisticated devices.

Connecting colour and monochrome monitors

Your computer has probabby been supplied with a display unit, known as a

monitor, with either a colour or monochrome screen. Colour monitors allow

you to use the colour graphics that your Master computer can produce to the

full, displaying the complete range of eight static and eight flashing colours.

Monochrome monitors display the image the computer generates in one basic

colour and several shades of that colour, normally on a black background.

Monochrome monitors normally display the image in white, green or amber,

the latter two colours being chosen because they are considered less tiring to

the eye. Monochrome monitors are commonly employed for tasks such as word

processing where the operator spends a great deal of time looking at the screen.

Besides a mains supply the monitor needs to be connected to the computer by

means of a lead supplied with it. Colour monitors should be connected to the

'RGB' socket on the rear panel of the computer, and most monochrome

monitors should be connected to the 'Video Out' socket, although some may use

the 'RGB' socket; consult the instructions supplied with the monitor for further


Connecting a television

An optional adaptor is available to allow the computer to display an image on

an ordinary domestic television. This device is powered by the computer and

has two leads, one of which should be connected to the 'RGB' socket and the

other of which should be inserted into your television aerial socket. Select a

spare channel on your television tuner and, with the computer turned on, tune

it to Channel 36 or until you see the computer's display in the top left of the


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