E. The ABC Word Processor


Your Welcome disc contains ABC, a simple-to-use word processor designed to

meet the needs of young writers (aged seven years and upwards). It has been

designed to be easily operated and quickly understood. Users can begin writing

immediately and then move on to ABC's more sophisticated features whenever

they wish.

This chapter is a guide to the use of ABC. It is aimed primarily at parents and

teachers in order that they can introduce children to ABC at an appropriate

pace, although older children will be able to read the chapter with little or no


ABC offers three types of screen display: WRITE, READ AND WRITE and

SLATE. Switching between displays is a simple matter of pressing the red

function keys. Text can be displayed, edited, printed and stored. Writers

familiar with word processors will appreciate the facilities for word

wrap-around, right justification, centreing and formatting.

Another feature of ABC is the use of picture symbols. These are shown on the

ABC function key card and appear at the top of the screen so that it is always

very easy to see what is happening.

Starting with ABC

Select ABC from the Applications list in the Icon main menu; after a short

introduction you will see the WRITE screen display.

Place the function key card on the top of the keyboard. Ensure that the name

and the symbol for each function line up above the following function keys on

your microcomputer.

Function Keys

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