It is not always wise to save an edited document under its former name. With a

disc system, the new file will overwrite any other file with the same name. In

many cases, this is perfectly acceptable but you may decide you want to keep

older versions, perhaps as a security measure. If this is the case, then it makes

sense to use a numbering system such as GRANTI, GRANT2 GRANT3 and so

on. Never include spaces in your filenames. Everything following a space will

be ingored so that GRANT I, GRANT 2 and GRANT 3 will be treated as the

same name.

Printing from VIEW

When instructed to print, VIEW sends codes to a printer driver program

which controls the operation of the printer. The default driver program

contained in VIEW is designed to drive EPSON printers (one of the most

common brands) although it is possible to use more sophisticated drivers. We

will come to these later but for the moment it is assumed that you are using the

default printer driver contained in VIEW.

There are two ways to print. If you want to print a copy of the file that is

currently in the computer's memory, all that is necessary is to switch to the

command screen and type:


Alternatively, you can print from a file, or files, held on disc without affecting

the text currently in memory. To print a file called GRANT3, for example, type:


Try printing a few pieces of text to get used to the method. Remember, if you

want to see a simulated print-out on the screen before committing anything to

paper you can SCREEN a file as described on page D17. You will have to do this

if you do not have a printer connected to the computer.

If you print a document that is longer than one page, VIEW assumes a page

length of 66 lines of text and splits the text into pages at appropriate points.

The page length can be changed by entering a stored command at the

beginning of the document. Press:


The cursor moves into the left margin. Now type:


The command PL remains in the margin and the cursor moves back into the

text area. Now type:


D 20