
PAINT allows you to move more or less than whole single lines.

Press the arrow keys to place the cursor on the (first) word you wish to move.

Press the function key labelled PAINT. That single word will now be painted

yellow (highlighted) and may be moved alone. You can also spread the paint

using the arrow keys:

-----> spreads the paint to the next word on that line

<---- spreads the paint to the previous word on that line

v spreads the paint to the next whole line

^ spreads the paint the previous whole line

Use DELETEto unpaint text.

When PAINT is being used the PAINT symbol appears at the top of the screen.

It may be switched off by pressing the PAINT key again.

In order to move painted text simply press the TUG function key and use the

arrow keys as outlines for the TUG.

Note: The TUG and PAINT operations require that at least three clear lines

remain at the bottom of a text.

Copying text

It is possible to copy text from an upper part of the screen to a lower part. The

original text will not be moved or deleted.

Use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the place where you want the copy to

appear. Tap COPYat the bottom right of the keyboard once. The COPY symbol

will appear at the top of the screen and a second cursor will be created.

Use the arrow keys to move the smaller cursor through the text and place it at

the beginning of the section you wish to copy.

Keep pressing COPY until you have copied all the text you require.

Press RETURN to clear the COPY function when you have finished-


There are three screen displays which offer different facilities for writing and

manipulating text: WRITE, READ AND WRITE and the SLATE. All three are

reached by simply pressing the labelled function key at the top of the keyboard.

You may well find yourself switching frequently between the three when

working on a single document.

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