which case you must also set the speed at which the RS232 interface

operates (also known as the baud rate) using the *FX8 command. Your

printer documentation should tell you the default baud-rate at which the

printer operates.

The available baud rates are selected as follows:

*FX8,1 RETURN--75 baud

*FX8,2 RETURN --150 baud

*FX8,3 RETURN --300 baud

*FX8,4 RETURN --1200 baud

*FX8,5 RETURN --2400 baud

*FX8,6 RETURN --4800 baud

*FX8,7 RETURN --9600 baud

*FX8,8 RETURN. -- 19200 baud (not guaranteed)

Many printers have an automatic line-feed facility which can cause unwanted

blank lines to be printed; these may be eliminated by instructing the computer

not to send the line-feed character (ASCII code 10) using the command:

*Fx6,10 RETURN

Software control of printing

You can instruct the computer to copy all output sent to the VDU drivers (and

so to the screen) to your printer with the BASIC VDU 2 command; a

subsequent VDU 3 command will restore output to the screen alone.

For example, to list a BASIC program which is in memory on your printer,





If, for any reason, the printer is not ready to receive information for printing

(e.g. it is not connected, or is simply turned off), both the 'Caps Lock' and 'Shift

Lock' lights on the keyboard will glow. If you are unable to make the printer

ready right away, press ESCAPE and re-enter the VDU 2 command again later.

The VIEW word processor provides explicit facilities for controlling printing,

including a 'PRINT' command and 'Highlight codes' which may be inserted into

the text. These facilities are discussed in the VIEW documentation earlier in

this guide-

The RS232 interface

The optional RS232 interface can serve a variety of purposes other than driving

printers as described above. 'RS232' is an electrical standard which is common

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