


A Getting Started                     A1

Unpacking the computer                     A1

Fault finding                             A3

Using the computer                         A4

Communicating with the computer            A11

B The Icon Software                     B1

Operating the Icon software                B1

Card Index                                 B3

Calculator                                 B4

Note Pad                                   B5

Catalogue                                  B6

Programs                                   B7

Clock                                      B7

Other Welcome programs                     B7

The Welcome utilities                      B10

Using the Control Panel                    B14

C The BASIC Language                    C1

Writing a Program                          C1

A simple program using variables           C3

Help that BBC BASIC can give you           C7

Saving and loading programs                C11

To program or not to program               C12

Simple graphics                            C13

Printing text                             C20

Input                                      C27

Structured programs                        C29

Functions                                  C36

Loops                                      C37

Making choices                             C41

Error handling                            C45

More about strings                         C47