If you add another line to the program the computer automatically puts the

lines into line number order. For example, type:

3 PRINT "This is another Line" RETURN

and LIST the full program.

Program lines are usually numbered in tens as this makes it easy to insert

extra lines later. If you type:


the computer automatically renumbers the program, making the first line 10.

Once a program is complete it can be saved onto disc so that it can be used

again. The Welcome software contains a series of programs which have been

saved in this way. You probably don't want to save the present program, so



which tells the computer to 'forget' the program -- you can confirm this by

trying to LIST it.

You may accidentally lose a program by pressing RETURN, or by typing NEW

before you realise that you have not saved a copy of the program. Normally, the

program can be recovered provided no new program lines have been typed. Use

the command:


to restore the old program.

A simple program using variables

Throughout this section and the remainder of the chapter, you will be required

to type a number of short programs and, for clarity, we shall omit the RETURN

symbol at the end of each line.

Type the following program in:

10 PRINT "Can you give me a number ";

20 INPUT yournumber

30 PRINT "You typed ";yournumber

and then RUN the program. The computer obeys line 10 and displays the

question :

Can you give me a number ?

The question mark is added automatically by the execution of line 20. The

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