<>Card Index

Card Index has a special feature which allows you to incorporate information

from it into documents prepared with the VIEW word processor. The last item

in the Card Index menu, 'Export Index', will transfer the names and addresses

in your index to VIEW where you may use them to address letters etc. This

facility is covered in more detail in the section on VIEW later in this manual.


The second item on the menu-bar is the calculator. It is exactly what it

suggests: a push-button calculator which you can operate by pointing. The

menu has only one entry, which controls whether or not the calculator is

visible. If you select it, you will see that it has all the buttons of a simple

four-function calculator. When the pointer is on the calculator, you can also use

the equivalent keys on the keyboard, including 'C' to clear the display and 'O' to

turn it off (te. remove it from the screen). Once again, you can move the

calculator around the screen by selecting within the grey area of the window.

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