of the three remaining entries in the menu, and they are standard ADFS

functions whose effects are discussed in detail in the chapter on Filing Systems.



The Programs item is a quick way of returning to the Welcome menu which you

encountered at the start of this section. It contains only one entry, 'Welcome',

which leads to the Welcome menu. Each item on the menu-bar contains

demonstration programs of a particular type, any of which you can select by

pointing and clicking in the normal way. A short description of each of these

programs appears at the end of this section.


The Clock item is fairly self-explanatory. Clicking on the first entry of its menu

displays a fully-working analogue and digital clock. You can move it around the

screen as you wish, and set it using the 'Step Hours' and 'Step Minutes' entries

in the menu. The clock keeps good time, but you may find it stops if you start

doing things in other windows. However, if you move the cursor back to the

Clock window, time will catch up with itself !

Other Welcome programs

Having used the DeskTop application let us now return to the Welcome page

and look at the other demonstration programs. To do this, move the pointer to

the Programs menu, click, and then click on the word Welcome. After a few

moments the Welcome page will appear, and you will see a row of menus across

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