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Photos of BBC Related Odds and Ends

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BBCs Masters and Electrons
Various original wrappings
Things you put inside your Beeb
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Snap Camera

Snap Camera. It simply plugs in to the user port. A simple bit of software then enables you to take pictures. It requires a lot of careful positioning to get an image, great fun. Below, some pictures taken with the camera. Below that, the insides. The software with it allows you to take still image, movies or use it as a security camera amongst many other things
Hand Scanner Hand Scanner. The hand scanner is a well sought after item!
Repton Mug  Mugshot. My pride and joy. Given to me by none other than Steve Hanson of Superior Software. Superior Software is still in business, selling a good collection of BBC games. With discounts for 8BS members by the way 
Touch Screen 1 
Touch Screen 2 
Touch Screen 3
Cub Monitor Touch Screen. Here are three shots of a Cub monitor touch screen. The monitor sits in the frame, there are two leads, one goes to the disc drive power supply and the other goes to the RS 423 connection on the back of the BBC. Then all you need is a bit of software that uses it. It works by using an infra red grid shone across the front of the screen.
Headset Headset. This is a telephone headset I made up from an old telephone
HCR Eprom Programmer HCR Eprom Programmer
Multiprom Eprom Programmer
 Another Eprom Programmer. Idon't know which this is or what software it needs. It plugs in to the User Port. Can anyone offer any help? 
Morley Eprom programmer

Home made Eprom Programmer designed and made by Angus Duggan here's how to make it.

Solidisk Eprom Programmer
Acorn Tape Deck Acorn Tape Deck 
Quest Mouse
Watford Digimouse Digimouse

AMX Mouse. Thanks to Michael Foot
Mouse Mouse. Not a lot of software uses them 
Modem Modem. I use this modem, it is a neat little bit of kit
Master Cartridge. View 1 
Master Cartridge. View 2
Master Cartridge. 
There are several types of cartridge, this is one!
Overview Cartridge Thanks to lee@vintagecomputer.co.uk
Master twin cartridge Thanks to lee@vintagecomputer.co.uk
Master Cartridge out of case. Thanks to lee@vintagecomputer.co.uk
ACP Rom Cartridge. Thanks to G.Dyer for this Electron item
Slogger ROM Cartridge. Thanks to G.Dyer for this Electron item

Elektor Magazine RAM Card. Thanks to G.Dyer for this Electron item
GRD Plus 1 Expansion 512k RAM 2 ROM. Thanks to G.Dyer for this Electron item
PMS MultiFont NTQ. Thanks to G.Dyer for this Electron item

Slogger Joystick Interface. Thanks to G.Dyer for this Electron item
Winchester Winchester Hard Drive. This one contains a 30 megabyte hard drive. I have only used 7 meg of the space and there's TONS of software on it!
Midwich Hard Drive Midwich Hard Drive. This hard drive is for a BBC. It uses DFS
Function Key Strip Covers. BBC B and B+ Function Key Strip Covers. Here are three function key strip covers. The top two are from a BBC B, the lower is the cover from a BBC B+. If no one has swapped the covers, this is a quick way of telling a BBC B and a BBC B+ apart.
Econet Bridge Econet Bridge. This box contains an Econet Bridge, but it could just as well contain a Prestel Adaptor, Teletext Adaptor or Coprocessor amongst many other things too I am sure.
Graphpad Graphpad 

 The underside 

Twin Volmace Joysticks Twin Joysticks 
Twin Acorn Joysticks
Twin Voltmace Joysticks
A Single Joystick
Another single joystick
Byte Drive 500 
Compact Floppy
Byte Drive and the 3" disc that it uses 
Buggy Buggy 
Music 5000 Music 5000
Advanced Teletext Adaptor Advanced Teletext Adaptor
Electron Tape Deck Electron Tape Deck
Trekker Buggy The Trekker Buggy. This came intact, like new with loads of spares, supporting software and activity packs. An excellent buggy
Roller ball
Marconi Roller Ball
Marconi RB2 and odd adaptor thing required to make it work

Quest Trackerball.Thanks to Michael Foot
Concept Keyboard
Concept Keyboard lead

Concept keyboard.

Wiring for lead: 20 way IDC connector. Ribbon cable (red edge (wire 1) to pin 1 of IDC). To 'D' type 25 way plug. First number is ribbon cable wire, second number is 'D' plug pin number. 1-25 2-13 6-12 8-11 10-10 12-9 14-8 16-7 18-6 19-5 20-3

Watford Video Digitiser Watford Video Digitiser
3 inch Disc Drive
6502 Co-processor close up. Thanks to Ken Scott
6502 Co-Processor in 'The Box' with its lid off
Control-it box
Morley Teletext Adaptor
BBC Sprite Board with its lid off. This info from Paras Sidapara BBC Sprite board: an amazing piece of hardware!!! Back in the eighties when I was at school, I used to program that thing for games! The beeb itself runs in Mode 7 and this thing custom generates the display with some fancy Texas Instruments controller. The unit used to be sold by Logotron along with a Logo extension disc which added commands to their Logo interpreter to give support in the language for loads of turtles. It put the Atari 800 and C64 to shame, though was a bit unreliable. :
Torch Graduate. Simply plugs into the BBC 1MHz bus, nothing extra required for the BBC, everything required for the system is within the box even a disc interface, so you can plug it into a tape only machine. Turns the BBC into a DOS machine, will also run GDFS allowing you to use DFS discs.
Nightingale Modem Nightingale Modem
Genie Box
Master Genie Cartridge and box
Master Motherboard controlling a jukebox 1
Master Motherboard controlling a jukebox 2
Master Motherboard controlling a jukebox 3
Master Motherboard controlling a jukebox 4
Obviously BBCs are still in use on the railways
Electron cake Electron Birthday Cake!
5.25" to 3.5" Drive. Thanks to M.Pye for this photo
Watford disc drives in plinth
Domesday Laserdisc. Thanks to Paul Jagger for these photos
Micro Musician Midi Interface Board
Micro Musician Midi Interface
Micro Musician Midi Interface. Top is the board. Below, the unit itself. Then front and rear views.
Watford User Port Splitter
Care Electronics User Port Switch Care Electronics User Port Switch
Disc Drive Sharer BackDisc Drive Sharer Front
Watford Disc Drive Sharer. Front and back photos. Allows 3 computers to share one disc drive
Cumana 3.5" Drive A nice Cumana 3.5" drive
Two Way Data Switch Front
Three Way Data SWitch Front Three Way Data Switch Back
Two Way Data Switch Back
Two Way Data Switch Back
Some Data Switches
A Master 80186 512K processor upgrade in a Watford Electronics Co Pro Adaptor. Thanks to Gordon Jefferyes for the photo
80186 co-processor. Thanks to Richard Hall for this photo
A BBC second processor ARM development kit (a very rare thing). Thanks to Gordon Jefferyes for the photo and this info: The Arm Evaluation Kit, was a second processor upgrade for the BBC. It enabled people to use the BBC as a front end for the Arm processor. Acorn released this before they had developed the Archimedes. It enabled developers to load ARM code into ARM processors memory via the BBC and test out the Arm processor. The Arm processor was running all the code, and the BBC is used for its I/O (Screen, keyboard and disc drive......) All you have to do to get it working is connect the Arm Processor to some memory and to the TUBE interface on the BBC and start it up with a small boot rom.
Board from a cartridge Master Cartridge with 32 K SWR mounted in it

Photos of a Syquest drive, power supply and discs. The removable discs will hold 5 megabytes each. This particular one does work but does not have the interface required. To test it out, I simply plugged the unit into my hard disc drive interface
Voltmace 14B interface
Pro Link Joystick interface. Joins an Atari type joystick to the User Port. Complete with software
R.H. Electronics Light Pen

RH Lightpen Box. Thanks to Michael Foot
Stack Light Pen
In one piece
One side of the electronics
The other side of the electronics
The plug
You can wire a switch into it too
Various shots of home made light pens. Instructions for building on TBI-47. I have most of the bits required if you are interested. Hover over the thmbnail for a description
Watford Electronics Light Pen. Thanks to Michael Foot

A thing to split the BBC RGB lead
ROM extraction tool. A really neat way to bend all the legs on a chip!

I am not sure what this is. Have you any idea? The longer lead is exactly the same as a BBC printer lead. The other lead looks like it is meant to plug into the User Port. Paras Sidapara thinks it may be a second printer port adaptor
Thanks to Kris Adcock for the photo. Thanks to Paras Sidapara for the info. Opus Challenger 3-in-1 PCB (drive interface and drive in one box, connects to 1MHz BUS)
An RGB to TV adaptor. Thanks to Paul Mann for this

Thanks to P.Hardwick for these photos

Thanks to Paul Jagger for these photos. Info from Paul: The Acorn 32016 2nd Processor (with upgrade from 512K to 1MB). I recently acquired one of these with the associated PANOS operating system and languages, etc. The National Semiconductor 32016 processor was also fitted in the various Acorn Cambridge Workstations
Thanks to Marc Bramham for this picture. Info from Marc: As I'm sure you are aware, the A-Level system has just changed. As a result, my college has just bought brand new textbooks, not just new editions of old ones, but ones that were written last year. On looking through my new physics book, I came across the little piccy I've attached and I was quite surprised, it really is amazing the number of BBCs still in common use! Hope you like it!

Lead for a satellite receiver(I think). If anyone knows more about this, I would appreciate the info! Thanks to Richard hall for this scan of an advert that might have something to do with it. Advertising a satellite system
A 3.5" twin drive
Ram Disc. Thanks to Brian Thackeray for this photo
Twin 5.25" to 3.5" drive in a single unit
Universal Co-Processor Adaptor out of its box
Photo and info from from P.Jagger: Here is a photo of an original Acorn Econet Real Time Clock module. I presume this was required for Econet Fileservers running on a BBC B/B+ with a 6502 2nd Processor, since to the best of my knowledge only the BBC Master had a real time clock built in, or I am totally wrong and it serves some other purpose.

Thanks to Alex Taylor for these photos. Info by Alex: Hope these photos are ok, my digital camera is a bit crap, but not bad for £30 new. They are: Cumana setup - Electron, plus 1, interface, drive and original disk. Note plus 1 - modified by previous owner to take a 9-pin joystick. Cumana board - interface board. Battery removed since it was damaging the board - it's in the foreground of the picture. Ap3 board - the PRES Advanced plus 3 interface from the rear, with the cover removed.

Thanks to Peter Clements for the photos. This is his website. The BBC is a model. There is a £1 coin next to it to give an idea of the scale. The chess set was painstakingly made by drawing the characters from the game and making moulds.

Thanks to Matt Cocker for these photos. A couple of garments bought at a 'Micro User' show

Top. A Music 500. Middle, a Music 3000. Bottom, a Music 4000

Music 500 and box

Thanks to Gordon Dyer for these photos of an Acorn Data Recorder

Thanks to these photos and info from Rob at http://www.irrelevant.com . One of the first ARM processors produced by Acorn. It's the original ARM1 Evaluation system for the BBC Micro. Plugs into the 'tube' port of a beeb, and gives you 32bit processing and 4Mb RAM. Wow. Just look at all those chips! Comes complete with Acorn OEM Manuals: ARM assembler ARM software ARM hardware ARM system BBC BASIC TWIN (text editor) and a book, ARM Assembly Language programming, by Peter Cockerell. MTC First edition, 1987. also includes "The ARM Procedure Call Standard - Draft Issue 2/01" photocopy. Acorn software discs included (not pictured) : Disc 1: Twin & Assembler, Disc 2: Utilities1, Disc 3: Utilities2 & Basic This is unit serial no. 1000038. It was a competition prize from acorn; I bought it from the winner later on. The Acorn PSU failed early in its life, possibly due to all that memory drawing current, it might be fixable, but I havn't tried: the unit functions perfectly from an external 5V stabalised PSU. (Apologies for the low quality of the pictures; I only have access to a webcam! )
Thanks to Ben Ryves for this
Thanks to Matthew Pye for this. His info: I have found the enclosed picture on P16 of 'Waves and Our Universe' (printed 2001), the picture shows an experiment to 'find how velocity varies with time' while the trolly is oscillating between two springs
Thanks to Derek Kennedy for this photo of the Watford Eprommer

Thanks to Derek Kennedy for these photos of an Atom with disc drive

Thanks to Derek Kennedy for these photos of an Atom Eprom Programmer
Thanks to Gordon Dyer for sending this photo of an Econet Terminator
Inside a Cumana twin disc drive. Thanks to Rik Steenwinkel. Info from Rik: Inside of a Cumana dual 5.25" drive unit. Note the wires (red/white/yellow) attached to the drive logic board, and running to a 40/80 track select switch on the back. Ribbon cable has been disconnected from the front drive to allow viewing the switch wiring and the power supply, of which each drive has a separate one
Thanks to Jeremy Shepherd for this photo of a modem
Thanks to Michael Foot for this photo of a BBC Car Shade. Info from Michael:
I've had this car shade for years. It's been well used, as you can see. I got it from Acorn New Zealand at one of their shows. I suspect these were only available in New Zealand.
Acorn Econet X25 gateway box It is a light purple box, containing a BBC B+ motherboard populated with several eproms, interfaced to a dual Z80 second processor board via the tube. It was designed to bridge between Acorn Econet networks and X25 Packet networks. This system runs a custom OS, but removal of eproms will allow it to boot as a normal BBC B+ albeit with no keyboard.
Eprom Eraser
Watford Electronics Eprom Eraser. Thanks to Jonathan Irvine for this
Joystick Adaptor
Joystick Adaptor
Joystick Extension
Acorn Speech Upgrade
A big box of tapes
User Port Extension
Self adhesive replacement BBC B keyboard and back covers
Micropulse ROM Box. Scan of an info sheet about it. Scan of more info about it. Thanks to Richard Hall for this
Bud Joystick Adaptor. Thanks to Jon Irvine

Dacom Modem and box. Thanks to Jon Irvine
A Collection of Joysticks. Thanks to Jon Irvine

Prism 1000 Modem. Thanks to Jon Irvine

Prism 2000 Modem. Thanks to Jon Irvine
Voltmace Delta Joystick and Box. Thanks to Jon Irvine
Another Joltmace Joystick. Thanks to Jon Irvine
Watford Mouse. Thanks to Jon Irvine
Zif Socket. Thanks to Jon Irvine
Viglen Cartridge System. Picture and info from Jon Irvine: The original kit, according the promotional brochure I also have, "contained the Sideways ROM cable and socket, 1 Cartridge and a Cover for the rectangular slot on the key board should you remove the kit from your micro." This lot includes lots of cartridges and some bases for holding them in sets.

Watford Hand Scanner. Thanks to Richard Hall for these photos. Info from Richard: Though it doesn't show it in the picture, the scanner's lead plugs into the right hand side of that box. Also pictured is a 1Mhz Bus extension ribbon.
Cumana Disc Drive. Thanks to Richard Hall for this photo
Thanks to Lee at Vintage Computers for this 16K RAM chip
Echo 1 keyboard

Thanks to Jeremy Shepherd for these 9 photos of an MDFS Fileserver

Torch disc drive. Thanks to lee@vintagecomputer.co.uk

Thanks to Paul Jagger for this photo of an IEEE 488 Adapter

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