8-Bit Software

The BBC and Master Computer Public Domain Library

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Photos of BBC Related Odds and Ends

I would value your opinion if you have one. Click on your choice:
These photos deserve a place on the web
These photos are cluttering up the web

Results of votes:

I check and remove daft votes.
Data last checked and counts revised 0724 24/11/2002
when I removed 31 votes from deserve and 6 from clutter


BBCs Masters and Electrons
Various original wrappings
Things you put inside your Beeb
Peripherals and Other Things you plug into your Beeb and other stuff

An mpg of the 8BS Loft 13/05/2000 (800k)
An avi of the 8BS Loft 14/10/2001 (4.6 meg) or (2.3 meg)

A Couple of Pictorial Stories
A series of photographs showing the checking out and cleaning up of a BBC B
Testing out a BBC
Packing a monitor

Repton Mug Animation

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