8-Bit Software

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Photos of BBC Boards

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BBCs Masters and Electrons
Various original wrappings
Peripherals and Other Things you plug into your Beeb and other stuff
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Master 512 with 1meg Master 512 Board with 1 meg Upgrade
6502 Internal Co-Processor for the Master 128. Thanks to Lee at Vintage Computers for this one
Master 512 board fitted. Thanks to lee@vintagecomputer.co.uk
Master 512 Board in an external box. Thanks to Rik Steenwinkel
ATPL board fitted in a BBC B. This one has 16K SWR fitted too
ATPL Board. Thanks to Ken Scott for the photo
B+ ATPL Board. This is an ATPL Plus board for a BBC B+.
B+ 64K Board BBC B+ 64k Sideways ram daughter board for a BBC B+
Rom Carrier 
Rom Carrier
Rom Carrier. This allows you to fit two roms into one slot
Acorn Z80 Top 
Acorn Z80 Underside
Torch Z80
Master Replay The Master Replay System. Notice PB04, the BBC B OS. The Master OS is to the right of the Replay chip. The board plugs into the MOS socket. The adaptor plugs over IC 15. The red button is pressed to freeze the machine. The switch can then be flipped to turn your Master into a BBC B! Or, you can then save the whole of memory to a specially formatted disc to reload later. Ideal for playing games where you might need to have several attempts at something. You can also put cheats into games with this unit.
Master Replay fitted. Thanks to lee@vintagecomputer.co.uk
Solidisk DFDC Solidisk DFDC and 256K ROM board. Fitted into a BBC B. The DFDC allows you to have both an 8271 and 1770 disc controller in the same machine! You can also just see one of the speech chips and an extra audio out DIN plug fitted where the Econet plug goes. DFDC flying lead connects to leg one of IC 86. This info thanks to Paras Sidapara: . Solidisk DFDC picture you have; that board next to it is a SideAid 256 - apart from a few extra ROM sockets, you also get a massive 256k RAM and support for shadow (explicit or B+ emulation); those things generate a heck of a lot of heat (the load has been known to burn out the PSU of the beeb!)
Master Econet Boards
Master Econet Boards. On the right the newer version. The right-hand one has collision detect circuitry built in. The earlier board shown on the left was supposed to have collision detect performed in software, but this never worked properly and Acorn introduced the improved module. Thanks to Mike Tomlinson for that info. The third (showing the ROM) appeared on Ebay and I dan't know anything about it. Help would be appreciated

Thanks to Philip Mulrane for these two pictures. Info from Philip: The first shows the Econet board fitted to the Atom,. The ribbon cable at the top of the Econet board on the LHS is my addition, the PL8 on my board was in the wrong position to allow fitting of the board without this modification. There must have been different issues of the Atom board. The second is a screen shot of a logged in Atom, after executing a *info command.
Beebug Master Modem The Beebug Master Modem. Fits internally to the Master 128.
GCC RAM/ROM GCC RAM/ROM. Thanks to Richard hall for this scan of info about it
BBC B Two Meg 128 board. Note the RAM bank switch to the left and the three flying leads connected to the BBC motherboard
Top an Aries B12 board 
Lower, the board fitted into a BBC B
Aries B32 Board
1 Megabyte upgrade board for the Master 512 board. A very rare item indeed.
Looks like a home made 16K SWR for a BBC. Wiring was Red to pin1 of IC1. Brown to pin 17 of IC69. Black to pin 1 of IC72 and Green to pin 20 of IC88. The Rom was in IC88
Watford 12 ROM board
Acorn User Sideways Ram. Neat little bit of kit. Only one wire to solder/clip to another chip leg
Master Overlay 
Master Overlay Fitted
Master Overlay out and fitted
BBC Replay BBC Replay. Freezes the computer when the button is pressed. Save the whole of memory to disc. Can be loaded in at a later date. Great when playing games at difficult points. Great for tape to disc transfer.
Genlock Genlock card for Master 128

Solidisc 1770 DFS for the BBC. Thanks to Rob iveson for the scans

Electron Econet board Not fitted and fitted.
Thanks to Philip Mulrane for the photos and this info:
When fitted the Econet connector is at the lower right of the rear panel of the Plus-1, making it obligitory to cut a hole in the Plus-1´s case. The unit was built by a company called Barson, based AFAIK in Australia

A BBC board of some description. Any ideas please? Thanks to lee@vintagecomputer.co.uk

Thanks to P.Hardwick for the photos of a BBC B with Integra B Board fitted
Watford 32K RAM. Thanks to Daniel Kendell for this

Solidisk 32k sideways extension RAM.
Master RAM Board. Thanks to Gordon Dyer for this photo

Data Gem. Thanks to Rik Steenwinkel

Watford Electronics ROM/RAM. Note the Data Gem fitted too. Thanks to Rik Steenwinkel
Master Rom. Thanks to Rik Steenwinkel

Thanks to Jeremy Shepherd for the photos of the Opus board. Does anyone recognise it?

Thanks to Jeremy Shepherd for these ATPL photos

Solidisk 256K RAM Board

Help 2

A Board From a BBC. Anyone know anything about it? Thanks to Jon Irvine

ROMEX 13. Thanks to Jon Irvine
This is unusual I think. A BBC issue 7 board. See if you can spot what I mean! The filename gives you a bit of a clue...
Mini Office II board.

Thanks to Paul Jagger for these photos. Inof from Paul:
Attached are some photos of the a BBC Master Turbo AV with the associated Acorn SCSI Adapter that has to be just about as rare as an ARM1 2nd Processor. I am looking for someone who has the knowledge to manufacture one of these SCSI adapters as it's the only piece of significant 8bit Acorn kit I am missing.

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