8-Bit Software

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Convert Floating-Point to Integer

Submitted by Steve Fewell

Routine: ConvFWAtoInt
Name: Convert Floating-Point to Integer
Starting Address: &8242
Entry criteria: The FWA contains a Floating-Point number.
Exit: The FWA value has been truncated, and the Integer part of it's value has been retained.

Load A with the FWA Exponent Byte, if it isn't negative (offset by &80) then the Floating-Point value is less than or equal to zero, so jump to Clear FWA and exit with the Integer value set to zero.

If the FWA Mantissa byte 1 is zero then assume that the FWA contains the value zero [?], so exit by doing an Integer Reverse Order Complement of the FWA's Mantissa value. I'm not sure why this is necessary though, as if the number zero doesn't need to be stored in two's complement form.

Now, keep on moving the bite in the FWA Mantissa right one position, until we are left with the Integer part of the number (Stored most significant Byte first, and least significant Byte in ?&34). This achieves two goals, first it gets rid of the fractional part of the number, and second it right-aligns the Integer value and prefixes it with leading zeros (The Integer value will still be stored the opposite way around to an Integer in the IWA though!).
Here is a comparison showing how a Two's-Complement Integer value is stored in the IWA, and how it is stored in the FWA:

Integer in IWA   Integer in FWA
Byte Description Byte
&2A Least Significant Byte &34
&2B Integer Byte 2 &33
&2C Integer Byte 3 &32
&2D Most Significant Byte &31

Note: The Floating-Points exponent is the number of bits which make up the Integer part of the number offset by &80 (128). Additionally, the FWA Mantissa Rounding Byte is ignored during this conversion.

To achieve the two goals stated above, BASIC does the following:
Keep dividing the FWA Mantissa by 2 (Moving the bits right one position, making the first bit zero, and loosing the last bit) and incrementing the exponent (Stored in the Accumulator), so that the exponent still  points to the imaginary decimal point which separates the Integer part from the fractional part, until the exponent is 32 (&A0). I.e. This occurs when the start of the fraction has just been moved out of the end of the Mantissa and lost.
This operation (divide Mantissa by 2 and Increment Exponent)  is done once at the beginning, but then if more than 7 bits need to be shifted right, then the alternative quicker method (Divide Mantissa by 16 and Add 8 to Exponent) is used [i.e. move the Mantissa bytes along one place, loosing the last (?&34) byte]. If less than 8 bits need to be shifted, then the single-bit method is used.

If at any point the exponent goes over &A0, then a Too Big error is produced (as the number is > 32 bits long), otherwise, when the exponent is equal to &A0, the Exponent [A] is stored back in the FWA Exponent Byte and an Integer Reverse Order Complement is done (which converts the Integer into Two's-complement notation if a negative result is required - i.e. if the FWA's Sign Byte is negative).

Disassembly for the Convert Floating-Point to Integer routine

8242 0 165 048 A5 30 LDA &30
8244 , 016 044 10 2C BPL 44 --> &8272
8246 1 164 049 A4 31 LDY &31
8248 4 240 052 F0 34 BEQ 52 --> &827E
824A F1 070 049 46 31 LSR &31
824C f2 102 050 66 32 ROR &32
824E f3 102 051 66 33 ROR &33
8250 f4 102 052 66 34 ROR &34
8252   026 1A INC A
8253 h 240 104 F0 68 BEQ 104 --> &82BD
8255   201 160 C9 A0 CMP#&A0
8257 g 176 103 B0 67 BCS 103 --> &82C0
8259   201 153 C9 99 CMP#&99
825B   176 237 B0 ED BCS -19 --> &824A
825D i 105 008 69 08 ADC#&08
825F 3 164 051 A4 33 LDY &33
8261 4 132 052 84 34 STY &34
8263 2 164 050 A4 32 LDY &32
8265 3 132 051 84 33 STY &33
8267 1 164 049 A4 31 LDY &31
8269 2 132 050 84 32 STY &32
826B d1 100 049 64 31 STZ &31
826D   128 230 80 E6 BRA -26 --> &8255

Jump to Clear FWA

8272 L 076 180 166 4C B4 A6 JMP &A6B4   Clear FWA

Branch to &82C4 - Integer Reverse Order Complement

827E D 240 068 F0 44 BEQ 68 --> &82C4   Integer Reverse Order Complement

Jump to "Too Big" error

82BD L 076 197 166 4C C5 A6 JMP &A6C5   Too Big error number 20

Check Exponent and make Two's Complement Integer (if necessary)

82C0   208 251 D0 FB BNE -5 --> &82BD
82C2 0 133 048 85 30 STA &30
82C4 ... Integer Reverse Order Complement


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