8-Bit Software

The BBC and Master Computer Public Domain Library


Error Messages

Submitted by Steve Fewell
Page Last Altered:

This page contains all of the error messages issued by the BASIC IV ROM. A number surrounded by pointed brackets, i.e. <138>, indicates reference to a BASIC KEYWORD. These references are automatically expanded into the actual keywords when BASIC prints the error message. The Keywords relating to each number are shown on the character table page.

Note: The error messages "Bad Program" and "Failed at" are not included, as they aren't really error messages, because they are not handled via the BRK vector. Instead, the BASIC ROM just displays these texts directly on the screen, without causing a BRK event to occur.

The Error Messages are listed in Numerical order by ERR number:

Error 0 - LINE space
BB61   BRK
    BB62   EQUB 0
    BB63   EQUS "<134> space"
    BB6A   EQUB 0

Error 0 - No room
90A1   BRK
    90A2   EQUB 0
    90A3   EQUS "No room"
    90AA   EQUB 0

Error 0 - RENUMBER space
93B3   BRK
    93B4   EQUB 0
    93B5   EQUS "<204> space"
    93BC   EQUB 0

Error 0 - Silly
93BC   BRK
    93BD   EQUB 0
    93BE   EQUS "Silly"
    93C3   EQUB 0

Error 0 - STOP
9089   BRK
    908A   EQUB 0
    908B   EQUS "<250>"
    908C   EQUB 0

Error 1 - Out of range
    8ACD   EQUB 1
    8ACE   EQUS "Out of range"
    8ADA   EQUB 0

Error 2 Byte
    8AFB   EQUB 2
    8AFC   EQUS "Byte"
    8AFF   EQUB 0

Error 3 - Index
8B3C   BRK
    8B3D   EQUB 3
    8B3E   EQUS "Index"
    8B43   EQUB 0

Error 4 - Mistake
9B60   BRK
    9B61   EQUB 4
    9B62   EQUS "Mistake"
    9B69   EQUB 0

Error 5 - Missing ,
8EF6   BRK
    8EF7   EQUB 5
    8EF8   EQUS "<141>,"
    8EFA   EQUB 0

Error 6 - Type mismatch
9092   BRK
    9093   EQUB 6
    9094   EQUS "Type mismatch"
    90A1   EQUB 0

Error 7 - No FN
908C   BRK
    908D   EQUB 7
    908E   EQUS "No <164>"
    9092   EQUB 0

Error 8 - $ range
98EB   BRK
    98EC   EQUB 8
    98ED   EQUS "$ range"
    98F4   EQUB 0

Error 9 - Missing "
9294   BRK
    9295   EQUB 9
    9296   EQUS "<141>"""
    9298   EQUB 0

Error 10 - Bad DIM
952C   BRK
    952D   EQUB 10
    952E   EQUS "Bad <222>"
    9533   EQUB 0

Error 11 - DIM space
9605   BRK
    9606   EQUB 11
    9607   EQUS "<222> space"
    960E   EQUB 0

Error 12 - Not LOCAL
9732   BRK
    9733   EQUB 12
    9734   EQUS "Not <234>"
    9739   EQUB 0

Error 13 - No PROC
9B77   BRK
    9B78   EQUB 13
    9B79   EQUS "No <242>"
    9B7D   EQUB 0

Error 14 - Array
99F6   BRK
    99F7   EQUB 14
    99F8   EQUS "Array"
    99FD   EQUB 0

Error 15 - Subscript
    9AEB   EQUB 15
    9AEC   EQUS "Subscript"
    9AF5   EQUB 0

Error 16 - Syntax error
9B69   BRK
    9B6A   EQUB 16
    9B6B   EQUS "Syntax error"
    9B77   EQUB 0

Error 17 - Escape
9B7D   BRK
    9B7E   EQUB 17
    9B7F   EQUS "Escape"
    9B85   EQUB 0

Error 18 - Division by zero
8172   BRK
    8173   EQUB 18
    8174   EQUS "Division by zero"
    8184   EQUB 0

Error 19 - String too long
9E10   BRK
    9E11   EQUB 19
    9E12   EQUS "String too long"
    9E21   EQUB 0

Error 20 - Too big
A6C5   BRK
    A6C6   EQUB 20
    A6C7   EQUS "Too big"
    A6CE   EQUB 0

Error 21 - -ve root
A75B   BRK
    A75C   EQUB 21
    A75D   EQUS "-ve root"
    A765   EQUB 0

Error 22 - Log range
A750   BRK
    A751   EQUB 22
    A752   EQUS "Log range"
    A75B   EQUB 0

Error 23 - Accuracy lost
    A9AE   EQUB 23
    A9AF   EQUS "Accuracy lost"
    A9BC   EQUB 0

Error 24 - Exp range
    A9BD   EQUB 24
    A9BE   EQUS "Exp range"
    A9C7   EQUB 0

Error 25 - Bad MODE
9739   BRK
    973A   EQUB 25
    973B   EQUS "Bad <235>"
    9740   EQUB 0

Error 26 - No such variable
    AD8D   EQUB 26
    AD8E   EQUS "No such variable"
    AD9E   EQUB 0

Error 27 - Missing )
    AD9F   EQUB 27
    ADA0   EQUS "<141>)"
    ADA2   EQUB 0

Error 28 - Bad Hex
    ADA3   EQUB 28
    ADA4   EQUS "Bad Hex"
    ADAB   EQUB 0

Error 29 - No such FN/PROC
AF89   BRK
    AF8A   EQUB 29
    AF8B   EQUS "No such <164>/<242>"
    AF96   EQUB 0

Error 30 - Bad call
B00C   BRK
    B00D   EQUB 30
    B00E   EQUS "Bad call"
    B016   EQUB 0

Error 31 - Arguments
B134   BRK
    B135   EQUB 31
    B136   EQUS "Arguments"
    B13F   EQUB 0

Error 32 - No FOR
B532   BRK
    B533   EQUB 32
    B534   EQUS "No <227>"
    B538   EQUB 0

Error 33 - Can't match FOR
B523   BRK
    B524   EQUB 33
    B525   EQUS "Can't match <227>"
    B532   EQUB 0

Error 34 - FOR variable
B5F8   BRK
    B5F9   EQUB 34
    B5FA   EQUS "<227> variable"
    B604   EQUB 0

Error 35 - Too many FORs
B604   BRK
    B605   EQUB 35
    B606   EQUS "Too many <227>s"
    B611   EQUB 0

Error 36 - No TO
B611   BRK
    B612   EQUB 36
    B613   EQUS "No <184>"
    B617   EQUB 0

Error 37 - Too many GOSUBs
B6F3   BRK
    B6F4   EQUB 37
    B6F5   EQUS "Too many <228>s"
    B700   EQUB 0

Error 38 - No GOSUB
B700   BRK
    B701   EQUB 38
    B702   EQUS "No <228>"
    B706   EQUB 0

Error 39 - ON syntax
    B7EB   EQUB 39
    B7EC   EQUS "<238> syntax"
    B7F4   EQUB 0

Error 40 - ON range
B7E1   BRK
    B7E2   EQUB 40
    B7E3   EQUS "<238> range"
    B7EA   EQUB 0

Error 41 - No such line
B7F4   BRK
    B7F5   EQUB 41
    B7F6   EQUS "No such line"
    B802   EQUB 0

Error 42 - Out of DATA
B9F1   BRK
    B9F2   EQUB 42
    B9F3   EQUS "Out of <220>"
    B9FB   EQUB 0

Error 43 - No REPEAT
    B9FC   EQUB 43
    B9FD   EQUS "No <245>"
    BA01   EQUB 0

Error 44 - Too many REPEATs
BA05   BRK
    BA06   EQUB 44
    BA07   EQUS "Too many <245>s"
    BA12   EQUB 0

Error 45 - Missing #
BA01   BRK
    BA02   EQUB 45
    BA03   EQUS "<141>#"
    BA05   EQUB 0


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