8-Bit Software

The BBC and Master Computer Public Domain Library



Submitted by Steve Fewell
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usually refers to the Accumulator. This is an 8-bit register within the processor, which is written/read via many assembler commands.

The agrp is a pointer to a floating-point variable. Its location is usually &4A (for low byte) and &4B (for high byte).

Carry Flag
The Carry flag is one of the processor flags, which can contain the values 0 or 1. It is often used to implement carrying and borrowing functionality when calculating with numbers larger than 8-bits in length. If it has a value of 1 then this indicates that a carry has occurred. This tells the command ADC to include the carry in its calculations. If it has a value of 0 then this indicates that a borrow has occurred. This tells the command SBC to include the borrow in its calculations. Programs usually reset this flag to 0 before beginning any add calculations, and set it to 1 before beginning any subtract calculations, as this clears the carry/borrow condition.

Error Vector
The BASIC error vector is located in zero-page locations &16 (low byte) and &17 (high byte). This vector contains the address of the BASIC error code which BASIC will execute after an error condition occurs. This vector will point to the code located after an ON ERROR statement in a program. The BASIC instructions pointed to by the error vector are executed by the BASIC interpreter when an error condition occurs.

The FWA is the Floating-point working area 'A', this is a 7 byte zero-page location for the temporary storage of one floating-point number. Its location is &2E for the sign byte, &2F for the Exponent Overflow, &30 for the number's Exponent and &31  (most significant byte) to &35 (least significant byte) for the number's Mantissa. Byte 5 of the mantissa (&35) is a rounding byte, as it doesn't form part of the number when it is copied from the FWA and stored to a floating-point variable. It allows extra precision during calculations while the number is in the FWA. There is also a Floating-point working area 'B'.

The FWB is the Floating-point working area 'B', this is a 7 byte zero-page location for the temporary storage of one floating-point number. Its location is &3B for the sign byte, &3C for the number's Exponent and &3D  (most significant byte) to &41 (least significant byte) for the number's Mantissa. It does not have an Exponent Overflow byte (like the FWA). Byte 5 of the mantissa (&41) is a rounding byte, as it doesn't form part of the number when it is copied from the FWB and stored to a floating-point variable. It allows extra precision during calculations while the number is in the FWB.

Heap Pointer
The BASIC Heap Pointer is located in zero page memory at locations &02 (low byte) and &03 (high byte). It contains the address of the top of the Heap. The Heap is the work space for the current program. It contains all variables used by the program. The Heap expands (as more items get allocated to memory) upwards starting from the top of the program code. When the Heap clashes with the Stack, there is no memory left, and a "No Room" error is produced.

The IWA is the Integer working area 'A', this is a 4-byte zero-page location for the temporary storage of one 32-bit Integer number. Its location is &2A (least significant byte) to &2D (most significant byte).

N Flag
The N flag is one of the processor flags. It is set if the processor has just worked on (or calculated) a value that has bit 7 set. In two's compliment this indicates a negative number.

PTRB is BASIC's second Text Pointer. It is located in a 3-byte zero page location: &19 and &1A is the PTRB Base, i.e. The address of the first character in the text string pointed to. And &1B is the PTRB offset (this points to the current character being processed in the Text string).

To reset a flag, or a bit, usually means giving it a value of 0.

To set a flag, or a bit, usually means giving it a value of 1.

Stack Pointer
The BASIC Stack Pointer is located in zero page memory at locations &4 (low byte) and &5 (high byte). It contains the address of the top item on the stack. In numeric calculations, this is usually the next number to process. When an item is popped from the stack, the Stack Pointer is usually moved up so that it points to the previous item on the Stack. The BASIC Stack grows downwards in memory from HIMEM.

The SWA is the String working area, this location has a maximum of 255-bytes for the storage of one string. Its location is &600 (First Character), with each subsequent byte representing the subsequent character,  until the end of the String (or to the maximum of &6FF). The length of the SWA (pointer to the last character) is stored in zero page location &36. This means that a terminator byte is not needed to signify the end of the string, as this length byte provides the required information.

usually refers to the X register. This is an 8-bit register within the processor, which is written/read via many assembler commands. It is often used as an index.

usually refers to the Y register. This is an 8-bit register within the processor, which is written/read via many assembler commands. It is often used as an index in address lookups.

Zero Flag
The Zero flag is one of the processor flags. It is set if the processor has just worked on (or calculated) a value of zero.


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