Sim68K Environment

TRAP #15 is used for I/O.  Put the task number in D0.



 Clear the Cycle Counter


 Return the Cycle Counter in D1.L  Zero is returned if the cycle count exceeds 32 bits.


   D1.B = 00, Display hardware window
   D1.B = 01, Return address of 7-segment display in D1.L
   D1.B = 02, Return address of LEDs in D1.L
   D1.B = 03, Return address of toggle switches in D1.L
   D1.B = 04, Return Sim68K version number in D1.L
                    Version 3.9.10 is returned as 0003090A
   D1.B = 05, Enable exception processing.
                    Exceptions will be directed to the appropriate 68000 exception vector.
                    This has the same effect as checking Enable Exceptions in the Options menu.
   D1.B = 06, Set Auto IRQ
                    D2.B = 00, disable all Auto IRQs
                       or     Bit 7 = 0, disable individual IRQ
                               Bit 7 = 1, enable individual IRQ
                               Bits 6-0, IRQ number 1 through 7
                     D3.L, Auto Interval in milliseconds, 1000 = 1 second
   D1.B = 07, Return address of push button switches in D1.L


 Get/Set Output Window
   D1.L High 16 bits = Set width in pixels, min = 640
           Low 16 bits  = Set height in pixels, min = 480  
   D1.L = 0, Get current output window resolution in D1.L as
           High 16 bits = Width in pixels
           Low 16 bits  = Height in pixels
   D1.L = 1, Set windowed mode
   D1.L = 2, Set full screen mode 


     MOVE.B #33,D0
     MOVE.L #1024*$10000+768,D1        Set screen to 1024 x 768
     TRAP   #15