Sim68K - Simulator Options

Source Window Font - Set the font used in the source code window.

Output Window Font - Set the font used in the output window.

Printer Font - Set the font used by the printer.

Log Output - Log Sim68K output to a text file. See Log Output below for more information.

Enable Exceptions - 68000 exception processing. When checked any exceptions that occur during program execution will be directed to the appropriate 68000 exception vector. The 68K program being simulated is responsible for setting up the exception vectors and handling all exceptions.

Auto Trace Options - Set the Auto Trace interval.

Full Screen Options - Set the screen to use for full screen output.

Enable Bit Field Instructions - The simulator will run a hybrid form of bit field instructions (Only 68000 addressing modes are supported). Bit field instructions are only present in 68020 and higher 68K processors and were not part of the 68000 instruction set. Support has been added to EASy68K for educational purposes. This option is automatically set if the .L68 file contains a comment in the form:  *[sim68k]bitfield   This comment is added to the .L68 file when the OPT  BIT directive is assembled by EASy68K.

Output Window Size - Set the size of the output window.

Output Window Text Wrap - Long text output wraps at right edge of screen.



Use Log Start / Log Stop from the Run menu or toolbar to start and stop logging. (See Running A Program)


Auto Trace Options

Set the Auto Trace interval. The interval is in 1/1000's second so a value of 1000 is equivalent to 1 second.
When "Disable display update" is checked the source window is not updated after each trace. This results in a much faster trace operation and is intended for use when creating log files of traced code.