Assembler Directives - MEMORY

MEMORY - Defines the access level for a range of memory. Four access types are supported. They are:

Memory may be read or written but the writes have no effect.
Memory may be read from but not written to. Any attempt to write to the memory results in a bus error exception.
Memory may only be accessed when the Supervisor flag is set in the Status Register. Accessing the
            memory when the Supervisor flag is not set results in a bus error exception.
Any memory access results in a bus error exception.

Memory not specified in a specific range is assumed to be RAM. RAM may be read or written.

[label] MEMORY type startAddress,endAddress

Where type is ROM, Read, Protected or Invalid. startAddress and endAddress must evaluate to a valid 24 bit address.

        MEMORY       ROM  $001000,$002000
        MEMORY Protected  $00F000,$00FFFF

The memory map information is saved in the .S68 (S-Record) file generated by the assembler in the form of S0 records. The EASy68K simulator uses the information from the S0 records to set the memory map on the hardware form.