8-Bit Software

The BBC and Master Computer Public Domain Library

Pictures of Folks I Know

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Robert Schmidt of The BBC Lives!
Crispin Boylan who has the BBC Games site
Carl Stock
A BBC supporter
Click the picture for website. Carl suffers from ME
The kids at the school Carl works at have produced some excellent web pages, well worth a look at, follow the links from the link on Carl's photo 

A Snap from Not The Acorn User Show 2.

Some 8BS Members
Featuring, top row left to right. Peter Shaw, me and Paul Clucas. Bottom row left to right. Jonathan Harston and cat, Andrew Nelson, Jon Ripley and Yorkshire rat. 
This is Mark Usher. Who slaves over a hot scanner for the BBC Documentation Project.
Mark Usher

Robbie Harrison who runs the Master 128 website

While I am at it, I had better show you Neil Parry, another 8BS hard worker and Paul Clucas the indispensable.
Neil and Paul 

Chris Frettsome

Richard Hall

Paul Harvey
Thanks Paul for all the bits, help in the past and of course editing the BBC Magazine ByteBack

Taken many years ago (as are the next 3 photos, in the 1970's), this school mate then at medical school was saying, you daft twit, that camera will never take a picture in here. Since then, I have scanned it and slapped it on my website, so, yah boo sucks Jackson. Sadly, Jacko failed at medicine but not at growing up and getting married and having kids etc.

Ian Whittaker, this fellow introduced me to cigarettes, a nasty habit that I maintained for 10 years. 'Tick' Started as a squaddy and worked his way up through portering at a hospital to a charge nurse somewhere

Nick Winter. Introduced me to motorcycles. He is completely sane, honest.


Graham. A crewmate that I always enjoyed working with. Killed in a road accident 01/03/2002, like so many each day.


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