8-Bit Software

The BBC and Master Computer Public Domain Library

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Float Multiply 10

Submitted by Steve Fewell

Routine: amult10
Name: Float Multiply 10
Starting Address: &A436
Entry criteria: The FWA contains the Floating-point number to multiply by 10.
Exit: FWA contains the result of [FWA * 10]

As BASIC handles input and output of base-10 numbers (decimal), but does it's calculations in base-2 (binary), is needs fast routines to multiple and divide by a factor of 10.

The standard Floating-point '/' and '*' routines could be used for this purpose, and BASIC could provide 10 as the second value in the division and multiplication routines. But this wouldn't be a very satisfactory method - as BASIC requires these frequent calculations to be performed as fast as possible.

The problem with the standard Floating-point '/' and '*' routines is that they require loops (iteration), in order to perform the required action on the two variable numbers. The loops will probably be iterated for different numbers of times depending on the values of both of the variable numbers. BASIC requires multiplication and division by 10 as part of its internal routines, and as such cannot accept an undetermined number of iterations until a result is found.

Hence, the BASIC ROM contains separate routines to multiply and divide floating-point numbers by 10. These routines contain no loops (iteration), and run through a set sequence of commands each time (with little variation).

This page contains the Multiplication by 10 routine. The Division by 10 routine can be found here.

3 is added to the FWA exponent, this multiplies the number by 8 (as the number is stored in binary). The FWA overflow exponent is also updated, if this causes the FWA exponent to overflow.

Copy the FWA to FWB, and divide the FWB mantissa by 4. Then add the FWB mantissa to the FWA mantissa (Least significant byte first, as usual).

If no overflow from the mantissa has occurred then end, otherwise divide the FWA mantissa by 2, making the top bit equal to 1 (from carry flag) to account for the overflow. The FWA exponent is then incremented to allow for the carry that was added to the mantissa. The FWA overflow exponent is also incremented if the FWA exponent overflowed.

In simpler terms, this routine is doing the following:

> FWA = FWA * 8
> FWA = FWA + (0.25 * FWA)

which is the same as the following:

> FWA = 1.25 * (FWA * 8)

This gives the same result as FWA * 10, except that the calculations are done using binary powers - which are a lot easier (and faster) to handle in 6502 Assembly language, than other decimal numbers.


Disassembly for the Floating Point multiply 10 routine

A436   024 18 CLC
A437 0 165 048 A5 30 LDA &30
A439 i 105 003 69 03 ADC#&03
A43B 0 133 048 85 30 STA &30
A43D   144 002 90 02 BCC 2 --> &A441
A43F / 230 047 E6 2F INC &2F
A441 ( 032 040 164 20 28 A4 JSR &A428
A444 + 032 043 164 20 2B A4 JSR &A42B
A447 5 165 053 A5 35 LDA &35
A449 eA 101 065 65 41 ADC &41
A44B 5 133 053 85 35 STA &35
A44D 4 165 052 A5 34 LDA &34
A44F e@ 101 064 65 40 ADC &40
A451 4 133 052 85 34 STA &34
A453 3 165 051 A5 33 LDA &33
A455 e? 101 063 65 3F ADC &3F
A457 3 133 051 85 33 STA &33
A459 2 165 050 A5 32 LDA &32
A45B e> 101 062 65 3E ADC &3E
A45D 2 133 050 85 32 STA &32
A45F 1 165 049 A5 31 LDA &31
A461 e= 101 061 65 3D ADC &3D
A463 1 133 049 85 31 STA &31
A465   144 016 90 10 BCC 16 --> &A477
A467 f1 102 049 66 31 ROR &31
A469 f2 102 050 66 32 ROR &32
A46B f3 102 051 66 33 ROR &33
A46D f4 102 052 66 34 ROR &34
A46F f5 102 053 66 35 ROR &35
A471 0 230 048 E6 30 INC &30
A473   208 002 D0 02 BNE 2 --> &A477
A475 / 230 047 E6 2F INC &2F
A477 ` 096 60 RTS

FWB = FWA / 2 (Sub routine used by amult10):

A428   032 011 164 20 0B A4 JSR &A40B bcopya
A42B F= 070 061 46 3D LSR &3D
A42D f> 102 062 66 3E ROR &3E
A42F f? 102 063 66 3F ROR &3F
A431 f@ 102 064 66 40 ROR &40
A433 fA 102 065 66 41 ROR &41
A435 ` 096 60 RTS


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