BP - begin page - forces new page BS - bottom space - BS (n lines) CE - centre - CE (n lines) CI - cancels indent CO - contin out CP - cond. page - if CP( n>lines left ) DE - double-strike end DH - define header - next string=header DM - disable messages DS - double strike start DP - def.` char. - (ASCII of ` to pri.) DT - define tabstops - (DTn,n,n..14nos) EM - enable messages EP - enable paging - at start of text ES - escape sequence - ES (codes) FI - fully indent - FI (n lines) FP - footer position - FP (n lines) GF - get file - GF"filename" HP - header position - HP (n lines) IN - indent - IN (n lines) JO - justification on LL - line length - LL(n lines) LM - left margin - LM(n lines) LNE- line number end LNS- line number start LS - line space - LS (n lines) NJ - no justification OC - output ASCII code - OC(ASCII code) OPS0 - Underline on OPS1 - Underline off OPS2 - Double strike on OPS3 - Double strike off OS - operating system call - as OSCLI PA - pause - waits for keypress PC - def.new pad chr.- PC"chr" PF - print file - PF"filename" PL - page length - PL (n lines) -def 66 PN - alter page number - PN(new no.) PP - print page number PS - print string - PS"str" or PS a$. RPSn - reprog. print seq. n- RPS(0-9) ,escape code,code,code..etc. SEG- call segment - SEGn SP - space lines -SPn -print n newlines SS - single spacing TI - temporary indent - TI (n lines) TS - top space - TS (n lines) UE - underline end US - underline start CTRL-A - delete character above crsr CTRL-S - alter case of chr. over crsr. CTRL-D - delete word CTRL-F - toggle wordwrap in EDIT mode CTRL-R - delete markers CTRL-W - recount words BGET# - read a byte from file BPUT# - write a byte to file CALL - jump to machine code routine CHR$(n) - returns a string of ASCIIn CLOSE#n - closes an open file channel n CURSOR - move(RIGHTn,LEFTn,TOP,BOTTOM) DELETE - (MARKERS) removes markers DELETE - (MARKED) removes marked text DELETE - (AT) removes letter at cursor DELETE - (LEFT) removes letter to left DELETE - (WORD)(n) removes word/n words DOLINE - executes string inc.embed coms eg. A$="PRINT A$":DOLINE A$ DOTHIS.TIMESn - executes code n times EOF#n - TRUE if end of file n found EOT - TRUE if end of text reached EXT#n - returns length of file n FALSE - equal to zero FIND - move cursor to(string)/(MARKERS) FKEYn - simulates press of function key FREE - returns free space GCK$ - get character from keyboard GCT$ - get character from text GLK$ - get line from keyboard GLT$ - get line from text GOTO - jump to label in program LEN(n$) - returns length of n$ LOAD(n$) - loads text filename n$ NEW - clears text OPENIN#n - opens file ref n for input OPENOUT#n - opens file n for output PREVIEW - previews text PRINT - (string)(variable) PROCnn - executes procedure labeled nn PTR#n - position of pointer in file n REPEAT.UNTIL -until condition met REPLACE (string1), with (string2) SAVE n$ - saves text under filename n$ SELECT - either (TEXT) or (SEGMENTn) SOT - TRUE if start of text reached SPOOL n$ - opens file n$, sends display STRG$(n) - returns (n) as a string SWAP(n) -alter case of letter/n letters TIME - reserved variable updated by BBC TRUE - equals -1 TYPE(n$)-'types' n$ into text at cursor VAL(n$) - returns numeric value of n$ VARFREE - reurns free variable space VDUn,n - sends n,n to VDU drivers