This is the DUMPOUT 3 ROM User Guide for the BBC Micro Computer fom Watford Electronics. It is in a rich text format and is just about a perfect copy of the original - including spelling mistakes. There is also a program listing in the User Guide, and to save you the trouble of typing it in (or copying across), I have included it in this zip in the archive format under the name demo. I have not done this for commercial purposes, and do not intend any harm to the copyright owners who are still Watford Electronics. This is only a part of a much larger project, which is electronic documentation for the BBC Micro, for the internet. If you find this useful, have any old manuals, ROM guides, games cheats, gathering dust, then type them up (or let me at them), and post them - preferably to Robert at his site dedicated to the BBC. This is where I will post all of my future works. The BBC lives.... Mark Usher