èô++ òBô *HDINIT_Initialise Winchester disk (for DTC-510A controller) ü9ô Created: 12-NOV-1987 Author: Many Version: 01.21A ô ô  ô NOTE $ô .Eô This program is copyright. It may be copied and used as long as 81ô it is not sold or used for commercial gain. Bô Lô Vô ABSTRACT `ô jFô This program writes the free space map to the Winchester and the tHô root directory. The size of the Winchester is determined by values ~Cô placed in variables at the start of the Init procedure, these ˆ<ô should be altered to suite your drive characteristics. ’ô œFô This program is run after the Winchester is formatted to make it ¦Dô useable by ADFS. If this program is run on a disk that already °/ô has data on it will be lost - be careful! ºô ÄDô This program has it's origins in Acorn's SuperForm (Winchester ÎHô formatter program for Adaptec controller) and has been modified by Øô serveral people. âô ìGô Four "tracks" are reserved at the end of the disk by lowering the öDô maximum available DA to 4*(number of sectors per track). These Hô tracks are for use as alternate tracks, they can be mapped in if a  Iô sector (block) becomes bad to keep the disk logically perfect (see  ô text). ô (ô_ 2 òinit <òwrite_init Fà P: Z Ý òinit d: n@%=4 x: ‚:heads%=4 :ô number of heads (surfaces) in the drive Œ&cyl%=310 :ô number of cylinders –-step%=1 :ô step speed code (not used)   X%?5=10 HX%?6=drive%*&20 R X%!7=0 \ X%!9=2 f A%=&72 p Ö &FFF1 z(ç ?X% ñ"Error "~?X%" in write_map":ú „á Ž: ˜Ý òwrite_dir ¢ ?X%=0 ¬X%!1=buffer% ¶ X%?5=10 ÀX%?6=drive%*&20 ÊX%!7=&50200 Ô A%=&72 Þ Ö &FFF1 è(ç ?X% ñ"Error "~?X%" in write_dir":ú òá ü: ÿ