Here it is. The BBC Microcomputer Service Manual. The document is in rich text format and is just about a perfect copy of the original - including spelling mistakes. [Legal Bit] The User Guide is copyright Acorn Computers Ltd as detailed within the Service manual. This copyright applies equally to this electronic version of the service manual. The manual has been converted to an electronic format to enable people who cannot find an original to have access to the valuable information contained in the manual. I have not done this for commercial gain, and this .zip file or it's contents may not be distributed for profit or as part of a commercial package. If the copyright holders request that the document be withdrawn, then I will do so, without any hesitation whatsoever. This manual is useful for anyone trying to repair a BBC, or just looking for technical information about the BBC Microcomputer. There is a severe "bloat" in the file as soon as some of the graphics are imported into the document. Saving this in MS-Word format removes this, but to keep consistency I have supplied the manual in Rich Text Format. Compressing the file with zip also reduces the RTF bloat. There large diagrams I have left seperate in the file. These are pages 67 - 79. The three programs that are listed in the manual have also been included along with the ROM image that one produces. TEST TESTROM ROMIMG DUMB Anyway, all comments, thoughts and errors to me. The BBC Lives.... Mark Usher