c CLASSIC$  hL dst~(#;>AXblho{=GQkOkay I cant I cant go that way You are carrying nothing at all You can't carry any more You have it already You dont have it Hit any key to continue. I dont understand! Welcome to Classic Adventure.% (c)Abersoft 1984 For full instructions say:-% 'Instructions' It is now pitch dark. If you proceed you will likely fall into a pit! Here can be seen:- 'Oh,dear! You seem to be dead. I shall try to reincarnate you, but you must remember, I can only do this times more.' You are engulfed in a cloud of smoke, it clears, and.... You have scored out of a possible 210 using turns. Another game (y or n)? Are you sure? 0`a8bbccbbcbc `a)`) -`)aL` ` iww#w -  `  ( /`Lyffgf&gfe`fgeagfhȱfiȱfHȱfghf8fhjgikjLvdehdeeied 0A  -cdɀ 1Hjjkhcɀ dedb - L]  ~%L]'/-LX -dejjkjkL w`jHkh` ``&' `  (s&'s0 ʈLL L' w` 0:)ߙ( G+   G   G  `(%LW((` st̅`Aa` ` ``i`aiastsѥt`   0Ȅ   L ^d]LkLpr憅qH hL"憱憱L   :0ʽ 0L~   Ls LKL3LL憱Lrp憅qH hL憱憱LL Uhi+7 \hi gL  1 t t)Fxhi g` 1d(e`'a مtuuO` ч*hi g`oadoeu iiuLhi g`e ddd&edi6deiFedbȱdcȱd8b`ȱdcabiPbciGc`a`bbibcic8``aaL] b `  -`pepddi:deiedȱdl qfLq&rqi؅qritrq)Lqqrq 9L)q-Lq&rqi؅qritrq)qqrq L`qLqLq&rqi؅qritrq)Lq&rqiׅqritrq кLq&rqiׅqritrq Lq&rqi؅qritrq)L`q&rqiׅqritrqȱq` L3Lfgf&gfifgigr憱q憄{fȱfl{Lohi gڅt)doe`oa iiO̥L hi gL hi gL q&rqiׅqritr qqȱq qL#hi gL q&rqi؅qritrq)q)qqqr qL#hi gL `^aEd`eq L#LLk  q LqL#qL#hi g  tLPhi gL Յhi g H h)YL Lq&rqiׅqritr qL#q&rqiׅqritrqL#qL# ȩ0șxtxt): 0ʩ1ԥxhi< gL Llq}L#qq}tL# LADVSAV ttuu LADVSAV ؠ LADVSAV  L  LADVSAV ( L8ADVSAV K L[ADVSAV  Le hdiec`a `wȢ thi g`Li0:хhi gt) t)t)tʝtt)t)tʥtL LrthoYoiariThantyolittlapassagroowitenpassagealubwesmazlargcafroTheriheropinortwhiceasouatwistsmallohavcanyowalfeethrougonsidsoutholleadyouathafloofoDeabbeadowbualikhalTintAbridgwallfoowaverbirbacIfadifferencrawgemisofcavseenodragosnakhugchasoveacrosawawidopecorridoarounabovtrolgreeabouonlwhitnogratchambepatrocthihandwindothergtreasursecrebelohalonstrealighfissurleadinotherustexitbottodosomN/sayexiforesstonbottlnoysteotighsigsighbuildinknonothinclimwherseemwoulwablacwateempttoalreadaxlockeimmensdeatwistingoeslopintrreaditlouplanbodnotbecomehosbouldercorneholeworrotwopifillePersiadusfulmaicoultwleffilammiststronlikceilinvoicE/IsteeYoubarrecrawlecrystabarrighbeanstalto2brokemirroNleadistancsaextremelwelvasobjectappearclaAhappenendenouggoldedeeenterhigWatetunneroaenormoumakfounwhaoistretchinaishelSeverywherbrasthreunlocjuscarrcontinuevallealmosheavdirectionSTOCavnortheas2upwarawkwarrukillecovedwarentenarrocrosseflutfollowinorangrumblinchaiedganotheexcepreaceasterusSomattackexplosiocannomovhearadventurstepflurrlocextendwhnorth/soutrecenbotMarkstilblockedebriastoundindareast/westhicdoosecobbleinsidkneefigurcloseworstreambewalkinwemurmurinowsomeonlyinforusinpeeringentlvisiblrockgrounvocabularseeneawordmuswreckagparalleeveentrancrecentltheiwickeinclightewalkerathedwarvewhequitstretchewoodewoorientaheithegetstandinpearspanmassivsplashedepthfriendldemandleaveviethinvaswindinwarvanisheslasimilastaircasgamcoveresurfacshadowsepulchraofficjoindownwarthickeslidomdwantgentlrunsprawletightlcaverrodcatchecatcthirthilrivegianricketcagrepositorrefusebundltelhangineacrbreathinbouncepokinpoinriseplacepitgettinpillodisappearbibeyonbesbeneatvolcanbeebebecominoverlookinoverheavelvefoobatteriebarbarrinflowkinfivbrinoncfirfillattacconfusefeglisteninnowhereyeinsteaanythinpiltolcentrtinalonnexnealivcarryinmagaiaftethemountaimolteeeriablwhosmelodioutalWitWesrarWATEUsTracelookThilookinlooTROLstandSdirlittereRougQUIdepressioPaPassageONothinNlavlateslantMagilakcrackcracGooFakeyDirectljunctiojumAxcoinAscurrietowar5indicatindistinctl1As] a 4j&On?`&*9=| &*|   * i   W f j n }  N @ %y{KZr9/?UeuvK +;KZixԍ` before brick . Around .#  gully. Ȕ, .` slopesɼ .  N.  ,Q house spring. q beside tumbling6 rocky. ,[ q.  q`. V r-. DownstreamE. x-W floored ES. SetS :@ mounted concrete. dry W.  3x3 @所.  inward. crawling . dim . / stuff washed. ێ& plugged mud, zy. % '`, XYZY'. z . splendid ].ą frozen rivers .z good sides. V traces.¢ Xc . ߿ f forward . openingsү. Nearby, ./ wisps swaying fror if9. cold wind blows .H  behind. c follow. bank slicing clearـ. , ۉi. M crude% .%,'' '. ? $,Є t. J neck. didn'b.  unclimbable. . . ߀ꑂ.  .. poole*. western .. I . clamber# scurry H. 9. . >. . 炀 ?$. p. 'κ. , ,, J鉀. 'Y2'鄀' 4. jumble,b j.  ֟, . qo .K} , F.1 p .g ـI 톁N Ǐ. ɍ. dirtyJ. . . Above . & clean climbable.Ͳ. ,\ 5 slits. 2 dusty .. bj, . CǨ parrallel 9. 9.p . 6 thefloor. ,. ,. ,. ,. . . . ,. ,. . ,. ,. . ,. . &  column .4 4ɔ. p level. . CǨ  9. apparently without chambers. _ round5ű _. featureles.씐 . crossover] >. . complexh.   higher͚ b going. also.g damp. bedquilt. +j. explore random select,, . C resemble swiss cheese. Obvious, ,L\. Part occupied bedrock block. . .T thin slabs,b easy descend. bypassing connect .+ , directly؀ 'Ή. circular C fallen < (). East ' were, >/). Low  quickly bends ). ߁ . ߁ sizable. 𪍁h l canyons, bearing, i.E 5 combined. . CrawlsM ,iR. . 𪡝 >.؁ 15.? mayӕBɔ. place . & further. E>.  3 ܔ.  mass) --. # pairt diameter sewer pipes. advisable. ,. . . ,. ,. . . ,. , f .V   profusion.  .J ''  '' leave. climbed# . H steep incline ߁.4 ,ӕB .ɉ . .< ]8 show. CavernousM, .Z scrawled inscription, 'Fee fie foe foo' ! SIC.  -.  . magnificent rushing, cascades؁ sparkling waterfall roaring whirlpool .Y . soft.ą s curtains. 2 carpet. Moss covers <. MЏ. Ancient  drawings}.  upwards ,i, Ͳ. ހ outer.e, s, strange splashing noises.  <. . alcove.\  widen= shortN. P_. L; squeeze. Aҍ . lit A.P _. ݲL. -. . arched. coral ' continued ,. g smells sea. carved sedimentary . T bits shells imbedded. shallow proceeds, somewhat steeper. \. ݐ ragged sharp. cul-de-sac eight . ante- . Small . remnants  digging evident. midair 'v under construction . Proceed  risk. (F Construction Company)'. ,. F'.YM **t. I . seeping. extendyQ 100 . Suspended unseen ߋ,a5-sided K midway between. (K obviously provided , ,P vain.)왕҄ ҫ, fifty.  ֟, . qo .K} , 6.1 p .g ـI 톁N Ǐ. ɍ. stalactite roof r reaches. 4,i , having done( unableɔ.  ,.  underground reservoir. opaque cloud ) rapidlyy.a fed , tumbles 10  noisily somewhere within . n. . w , larger than .T 'Adventure' program. Massive torches  bathe smoky yellow. Scattered⋙ ҁ2 bottles ( them ), nursery young beanstalks  quietly, oysters,  stars X, collectionk lanterns.K against,͉  various sundryS glimpsed dimlyN. southwest .2 fierce snakes.Z row cages, contains sulking. In * marksX. number pillows scattered ➀.K Љw.V @,7   , 'Treasure vault. Keys3.'. [ .s rising obscures݂ ˯.Rښ .   t. . . . ˯. Lښמ . . faint noise N. forks.6 w. dull louder direction.F  southeast slope.3\ . ą. From  steady roar,( " entire trembling. Another, .  breath-taking .e񋆥 active , great gouts @] come surging, cascading ɼ. ( crashesق  plummets bottomless Љ6.F,  geyser blistering steam erupts continuouslyB island center sulfurousa, bubbles ominously.F aflame incandescence!, lends additional infernal splendor hellish scene. , foreboding . / ).ą, causinggr stifling heat. heading, coming. 6  lined oddly shaped limestone formations. ԍ‰ B. posted  : 'Caution! BEAR IN ROOM!'. B.4 completely 1.1M nˑ. Ƌ came.  ,. ,.  ,.  ,. ,. ,. ,.  ,. ,. . ROADHILLENTEUPSTFOREFORWCONTONWABACKRETURETRVALL STAI OUT OUTS EXIT LEAV BUIL HOUS GULL STREROCKBEDCRAWCOBBINWAINSIINSURFNULLNOWHDARKPASSTUNNLOWCANYAWKWGIANVIEWUPWAUPUASCEDDOWNDESCPITOUTD CRAC!STEP"DOME#LEFT$RIGH%HALL&JUMP'BARR(OVER)ACRO*E+EAST+W,WEST,N-NORT-S.SOUT.NE/SE0SW1NW2DEBR3HOLE4WALL5BROK6Y27CLIM8LOOK9FLOO:ROOM;SLITDEPR?ENTR@PLUGASECRBCAVECCROSEBEDQFPLOVGORIEHCAVEISHELJRESEKMAINLFORKMKEYSeKEYeLAMPfLANTfGRATgCAGEhRODiSTEPkBIRDlDOORmPILLnSNAKoFISSpFISSpTABLqCLAMrOYSTsMAGAtDWARuKNIFvKNIVvFOODwBOTTxJARxWATEyH2OyOILzMIRR{PLAN|STAL~SHADFIGUAXEDRAWPIRAPIRADRAGCHASTROLBEARMESSVOLCGEYSMACHVENDBATTCARPMOSSGOLDNUGGDIAMSILVBARSJEWECOINCHESEGGSEGGNESTTRIDVASEMINGEMERPLATPYRAPEARRUGPERSSPICCHAICARRTAKEPICKKEEPCATCSTEAGETDROPRELEFREEDUMPSINGOPENUNLONOTHCLOSLIGHONEXTIOFFSHAKTAMEKILLSLAYFIGHPOUREATDRINRUBTHROTOSSQUITFINDINVEFEEDFILLBLASSCORFEEFIEBREAWAKEFUCKSWIMABRASHAZSHITCUNTTWATFLUTINSTINFOHELPLOSTSTOPLOCKPLAYWAVESAVEREST 2BV`p $(,,0>DNNNZ`fr|"(04DJT^fnv| &,28LLRVXlprtvx|*>Rfz, + .-+? +--.  ,> A!OO-+,.?,. +- +,. -+,.+,.  -   , 3   +   , 3 @     +    , >@  + 3   , @ 3  + ,@ 3  + !,$.&, -7"&+& - +BJ+C*C,D=DC C -(,)& .-!7!$4$& -& +,>>A.+"5"6",#!7!+!7!'+%%4,'FA,$$&&8&8%% %+$$@4@:@FA.***8*+-;,<<)-*++.-,P,*.,+-++0.2-R,*-++../WW,- -+- -, 0+2,3+,,13.4,12+4.5,2+3.45-7V,3-4.6,5 5,4-78+97 7 8 ,7.:-S+T+9 9+))),=->>4>+<->.k,<-?+.=.> >'8';',AFA-gJg+j+@,B=D/A,CM+`Ha+B,*.E8E-AD=D-mKq-GAA.o0A.F-nFA1v-I0aHa.HH H+K.L-M-K+K,N-BB.M-*,P.P+Q,P P., ,.9+T,U-9,S2r+S S4 4--8+',\\-_I__H8H.X+]-^.\\ \.\\\.^ ^\,[,B B0B,HHb-bIb.aHa,c2bIb/ee.dGdgJg gf&fhgJgih hJg@,A+l.1/02+,-=.E-qKq,G'-F1-+20/,..m m0T1t/s1vHu-E E-E+J+J J/{M|~(,z+|M|~(,{/}$}0%~(.|M|-~~+.}} }M|,} }}M|~-||M|.(~,M|+(~, M~,k021/-.+p2k-.,1/+0pk,/1+-20.p/k-20+.,1p-k0.+,1/2p+k,1.20/-p0k/.2-1+,pk+/,-.012p1k2+,-0./p-p p-22-<__   ]]]  ] ]? ? ? ? 99"9"99"9#9"#'`)W*a,aEa)*,E- $ . % ,  - $ . % ,  -$.%,1#J1 1 48"8'`)a*a+aEa)*+EG!EEdG!d<&_&_&_&_&_.AP8AP8A2FA'-A<8-AKH-AGAP8Aj.BP82B28.E *x.Ew,J *x,Jy-__I_-^o^oI^o+c  dc  d+cucu,d  cd  c d  c,dudu duGdEE!Gd!.g  @.gv.gw+l_8-l_8.l_8/l_80l_81l_82l_8l_8+lj-lj.lj/lj0lj1lj2ljlj,l~o(2'o(28o(2o25'o258o25o-'o-8o-t])u0*u0Eu0/u0)u.*u.Eu./u.)uz*uzEuz/uz'.'u`+ww-yy)z1*z1Ez11z1)z66 , - .*z66 , - .Ez66 , - .1z66 , - .)zu*zuEzu1zu'z`~n'~n23DO| sɇ5Ny   y&   y_   yq   y   y   y   yiz   zil   l  l l e f f gh i  i  kmn oqr s t uvtw x x x {ɀ&& ɃɅɇ5N 5 66 ɇ4Ɋɋ88 Ɍɖ99 ɗ;; ɘ<< ə== ɚ>> ɛ?? ɜ@@ ɝAA ɞBB ɞC C BB ɞDD ɟEE ɠFF ɡGG ɢHH ɢɣKK ɤMM ɤLFɥ:: ɥNe f f h h i  i l  n r s t w x x x y   z   ʀ& ʇ6 6 5 ʋ8 ʖ9 ʗ; ʘ< ʙ= ʚ> ʛ? ʜ@ ʝA ʞB B C ʞB B DʟE ʠF ʡG ʢH ʣK ʤM :  6>o h e7         rA  iG|rA  iG|sA}rzs{̤4)M%5L L M              &     i  i   :I I J :i  i    i *l -l -rso.o.ԃ(I IxH ( ) Jx*Exԃ)J IxH ( ) Jx*Exԃ(I ( )x*Exԅ0ԅ1ԇ4ԇ5ԇ.ԇ/ԃ*y   z   w Hw H  JfKfKLٖ909 9 0 2ٗ;0; ; 0 2٘<0< < 0 2ٙ=0= = 0 2ٚ>0> > 0 2ٛ?0? ? 0 2ٜ@0@ @ 0 2ٝA0A A 0 2ٞB0B B 0 2ٟE0E E 0 2٠F0F F 0 2١G0G G 0 2٢H0H H 0 2٣K0K K 0 2٤M0M M 0 2ٖ919 9 1 3ٗ;1; ; 1 3٘<1< < 1 3ٙ=1= = 1 3ٚ>1> > 1 3ٛ?1? ? 1 3ٜ@1@ @ 1 3ٝA1A A 1 3ٞB1B B 1 3ٟE1E E 1 3٠F1F F 1 3١G1G G 1 3٢H1H H 1 3٣K1K K 1 3٤M1M M 1 3 ld݃n݅o eo e݇4 f݇5 n݇4'  4 5 ' &݇4  4 5@@ @\@ @ @\@ \@ 2u0 BB B D!!*nn;s t  t  Cـ Z& ـ &0ـ4& & 'ـ(&ـ)&ـ0&ـ1&ـ&/P9ʥ: X YZ()OYZ t tt ts ss s t tt ts ss s  !C#! ! " #C$M p!p  M! & & &      (  ) 51 1 3;..hhhhh~~~3DOv    G\uu+++44P\{0JJJJJJJJJJJJJYYj   (7eee !!!4Gu\ ( N N N N n n n x x x  ; ; ; x n K]]]]]]]]]]]]]Somewhere nearby Colossalv,  othersc fortunes Gold, though rumored  never <.` said . will/. Direct me commandstr. should warnO first four letters,,( 'll 'Northeast' 'L' ( 'North'. Other information had typing 'Help' 'Info'. ~nށ *, saw, threw missed, cursed, ran. hollow= 'PLUGH'. hates music, ( destroys0 Rug. ' . Would care explain'. fell broke every bone $! ' serious!  unafraidˋ entered, approach& disturbed . , o.  !  , eaten9 alert. ,  drives . . ' 'm such . .  unlocked.  source. Ɖ past m, probablyn Q. [W. Ȇ. Its$ . Attacking doesn' dangerous.  harmlesslyЀ. *~, dodges . d, old worn magic,.  , actions things. Most; describes used., ;, ,, ,. , specialS;- . TheseS manipulated ;.΁ list d': 'Inventory'. S effects; instance- scares. Also, %ђ turn lot, leaving does guarantee entering7 . soothingD tune) .T sleepy. 'mf. Cބ + woundɄ3 . d . No. terrible=. 'o. Blasting requires dynamite. ' +. |ԐE . Unbelievable, eh! A. Thank. delicious. . Rubbing electric8 particularly rewarding. Anyway excitingW. Peculiar.[ unexpectedW. A . Watch. WIZARD watching! ';, DROP, etc. '@ . '75-. respectfully suggestـ 0 jumping. ـ. ' hungry (' merely pinin' fjords). Besides seed. devoured. '  eat ( perhaps). A2. Don' ridiculous. P . # indignantly shakese !܈ asks, '^?'. # exceptionally[ roots  pulled free. ' knives vanish> strikeĂ. Something':'7 _.' take inventory drop something. '7%-U . '7%- ! '1:Y ܀U. '1:Y ܀. - fallsU rolls. Goodness, .  creaks,revealing . promptly snaps shut<. Cބ +c -.Ʉ 3. = 'v closing soon'. = entones ' .'l echoes fade, 톁 blinding flash ( puff smoke)...l / refocus,Oވ.... "x- T˫. march find yourself Main, cheering band  elveso conquering adventurer sunset. "x- T˫. @] pours destroying everything!, including. ", suddenly splashedـĂ . ' , 'u'.J 'V' give. ? want early, O 'V'. suspend until^,O 'SAVE' load blank tape asked. restart ^ date, start8 O 'RESTORE'.'Q doingO 'SCORE'.2 credit 6 safely  . lose points |.? think c,n keep exploring.? W, 'nt. Why GET TAKE0. ʆ power. ' '. ʆ˔. |~. h: impervious*.  harmlessyЀ dragons scales. L nasty.' κ ,  burnt cinder. Trolls close relatives  skin tough Rhinocerous. deftly examines carefully, tosses , declaring 'd workman- ship, ' valuableY'.  m .  let cross.  longerـ . Just buckles weight ,. scrabble support, collapses, join . lumbers towards, lets startled shriekm .  misses lands '΍. Withd?AE? Against *his*?? +; He friend. For crying", poorކ ! eagerly wolfs, = calm &.  chained. GluttonyӮ Troll' vices. Avarice, however,.  emitsD%. takenR hurled delicately. 07>DJRh~  )2n#9Ncir|->HRo 2B]p setf. shinyk8. k8 shining brightly. . . . . . l- star . l- mark . U. U. cheerful singing. Ȅ. Ơ barred, , iron. Ơ . . aroused,,," . drowsy,,," . Dր. Dր. D. D.  tablet 'Congratulations. brought Dark-Room'. aU!h . a!h . , issues 'Spelunker News' magazine.  tasty. . . e. 5# '^, ^,...'. s-G bellowingI!! I!!.. giganticGf . Hs-G G. G G. Shadowy waving. j. j. !. !. $Ԇ . $Ԇ .  .  , 'u!XP!'  .  , 'u!XP!'  ( )ҍ .  ( )ҍ . QÈ 3. QÈ 3. .. .. ferociousѻ eying . ѻ sitting *. conteCLASSIC 68 6801g machine.  'Dropk8 '.  fresh . gold nugget. . Several diamonds. Bars Silver. Precious Jewellery. LotsHk. Pirates chest. nestZ eggs. jewel-encrusted trident. precious MingR. R resting. worthlessJR. emerald size plovers egg. platinum pyramid. -. expensive0{. Ԇ0{. Ԇ0{. H Spices.  Z. Z. Underneath$.   ^`LUZDFS0.90(C)l [Disk  [Bad  [File hhHH ڃ,%hhHH ڃ0 LthhlL. ,H H  hh L`H  ʀhH) ii0 h` ‱r` 퀱` ` M