BeebEm - BBC Micro and Master 128 Emulator |
Real-Time ClockThe RTC can be used in Master 128 mode. The BASIC TIME$ variable can be used to read and update the clock. When BeebEm starts it sets the clock to the current time from the PC's clock. Note that the Master 128 MOS does not display dates from the year 2000 onwards correctly (Y2K issue). When the 'RTC Y2K Adjust' option is enabled (on the Options menu) BeebEm will subtract 20 years from the current time and use that. Some examples of reading and setting the clock: PRINT TIME$ TIME$="Mon,22 Jan 1996" TIME$="23:10:42" TIME$="Mon,22 Jan 1996.23:10:42" |
Copyright © 2011 Mike Wyatt