BeebEm - BBC Micro and Master 128 Emulator |
Command Line OptionsThe following command line options can be passed to BeebEm:
Note: Command line options -Model and -Tube are no longer supported. Use the -Prefs option with different preferences files instead. If you create a shortcut to BeebEm.exe on your desktop and edit the properties (right click the icon) you can add command line options and a disc, tape or state file name to the target box. Running the shortcut will then run the file. These command lines can be put into Windows scripts. See the BeebEmLocal.vbs and BeebEmTorch.vbs scripts for examples. You can also associate files with .ssd, .dsd or .uef extensions with BeebEm using Windows Explorer. Double clicking on one of these files will automatically run it in BeebEm. Command line examples:
Command Line Parameter NotesIf the specified <data directory> does not exist BeebEm will offer to create it. BeebEm will copy a default set of data to the data directory. The default data directory is 'My Documents\BeebEm'. If a data directory of "-" is specified BeebEm will use the "UserData" directory where the BeebEm.exe file exists (this is useful for running from a USB drive). The preferences and ROMs configuration file names are relative to the data directory. If a disk image or a state file name is passed to BeebEm on the command line it will be run automatically (but see -NoAutoBoot option). The name can include the full path or it can just be the name of a file in the 'DiscIms' or 'BeebState' directory. If a tape image name is passed to BeebEm on the command line it will be loaded. The name can include the full path or it can just be the name of a file in the 'Tapes' directory. To run the tape image use the -KbdCmd option. Startup Key SequenceThe -KbdCmd option allows a string of key presses to be passed to BeebEm. The string can include the following key sequences:
So, for example, run a tape image using commands such as: BeebEm -KbdCmd "OSCLI\s2\STAPE\s2\S\nPAGE=3584\nCH.\s22\S\n" test.uef BeebEm -KbdCmd "OSCLI\s2\STAPE\s2\S\nOSCLI\s2\SRUN\s2\S\n" game.uef |
Copyright © 2011 Mike Wyatt