DR WHO AND THE MINES OF TERROR PLAYING INSTRUCTIONS Doctor Who and the Mines of Terror is a complex adventure where all the action is seen on the screen. The Doctor is controlled from the keyboard of your computer using mainly single key presses. To move the Doctor: Z . . . . to move LEFT X . . . . to move RIGHT : . . . . to move UP ladders and steps / . . . . to move DOWN ladders and steps RETURN . . . . to make the Doctor JUMP In his adventure, the Doctor comes across many useful objects which he may pick up and use or store in one of his four large pockets. P . . . . to PICK up an object D . - . . to DROP an object U . . . . to USE the object being held (See note) I . . . . for INFO on contents of pockets S . . . . to STORE an object in an empty pocket The red function keys f1 to f4 are used to GET the contents of a pocket, press f1 and the Doctor will hold the object from pocket 1, f2 for pocket 2 etc. Note on USE key. If the USE key is pressed when the Doctor is close to a button for example, he will 'USE' or press the button. Pressing one of the arrowed CURSOR keys will cause an object being held by the Doctor to be THROWN in the chosen direction. SPLINX - THE DOCTOR'S CYBERNETIC COMPANION C . . . . to call up the COMAND menu E . . . . to EXECUTE a set of instructions H . . . . to HALT Splinx Red function key 0 (fO) is used to get a Splinx marker. Please read the separate Splinx information sheet for some idea of the capabilities of Splinx. At several locations in the mining station the Doctor will come across Cyrogenic Sleep chambers. With the Doctor standing next to a chamber, if you press: L . . . . the game position will be SAVED and may be re-loaded at the start of a game. BRIEFING NOTES FOR ALL PERSONNEL TAKING PART IN MISSION KNOWN AS DOCTOR WHO AND THE NINES OF TERROR. The following message has been transmitted by the Time Lords to The Doctor aboard the TARDIS. "NEWS HAS REACHED US OF A PLAN TO DOMINATE THE UNIVERSE USING A TIME INSTANT REPLAY UNIT (TIRU) BEING BUILT ON THE 2ND NOON OF THE PLANET RIJAR. AN EVIL FORCE HAS TAKEN CONTROL OF MINING BASE AND IS REFINING RARE MINERAL 'HEATONITE' USED IN THE BUILDING OF A TIRU. STOP THE MINING OF HEATONITE. REGAIN 'MEMORY CAPSULE' CONTAINING PLANS OF TIRU. DISABLE TIRU. INFORMATION HAS BEEN PLACED IN LIBRARY COMPUTER MEMORY." The Doctor is due to arrive in the mining complex at any moment now. You are instructed to aid him in every way possible. Latest information suggests he may be in serious danger. The success of this critical mission could now be entirely in your hands. URGENT UP-DATE. LATEST INTELLIGENCE SUGGESTS RIJAN MOON COMPLEX INTENDED TO LURE THE DOCTOR INTO THE MASTER'S CLUTCHES. MASTER THOUGHT TO BE PLANNING TO INCORPORATE DOCTOR'S BRAIN AS COMPONENT IN MODIFIED TIRU. THIS WOULD GIVE EFFECTIVE CONTROL OF FUTURE AS WELL AS PAST. PERHAPS CAPABLE OF MAKING THE MASTER ABSOLUTE TYRANT OF THE ENTIRE COSMOS FOR ALL TIME. IMMORTALITY WOULD GUARANTEE DESCENT INTO ABSOLUTE EVIL. EVIDENCE GROWING THAT MASTER IS IN GRIP OF PSYCHO-PARANOID FANTASY OF LIVING OUT EARLY SOLAR MYTH OF 'THE DEVIL' - THE ETERNAL, NON-MATERIAL EMBODIMENT OF CHAOS. CRITICAL THAT MAXIMUM VIGILANCE EXERCISED BY ALL INVOLVED. VITAL THAT TIRU PLANS REGAINED. IMPOSSIBLE TO STRESS TOO FULLY THE IMPORTANCE OF THE RIJAN MISSION. THE FOLLOWING BRIEFING NOTES SHOULD BE STUDIED WITH CARE. THEY SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO LEAVE YOUR POSSESSION. HEATONITE. A radioactive/organic/metallic mineral vital to the building of the TIRU. Even in its natural state it has considerable time distorting properties. Its very existence demonstrates this. Given the mineral's large radioactive component it should have decayed utterly by now. Heatonite is found in deep clay and shale beds beneath the lava crust on the 2nd Moon of Rijar. Appears as perfect six-sided columns 7.6 cm long. Absorbs the vast majority of radiation including light. Very dark green almost black to look at with a faint sheen just below the surface. Atoms are arranged in a continuous spiral like a Moebius strip. Acts like a cyclotron, accelerating all forms of radiation to above the speed of light, thereby bending time. Structure highly complex but certainly containing Uranium, Zirconium, Flourine plus a number of amino-acid like structures. Although full spectroscopic analysis has not been carried out, it is suspected that all the atoms are turned into their radioactive isotopes. Heatonite Crystals migrate through the clay beds to aggregate into groups. These are thought to actively seek component molecules, especially the organic ones. Exercises an almost hypnotic effect on Rijans who have a primitive religion based on the worship of age. Contact with the mineral over many generations has made Rijans very long lived. But at the cost of almost complete degeneracy. Large groups of crystals capable of emitting massive energy pulse almost certainly fatal to most life forms. Rijans regularly sacrifice themselves to these Ruling Crystals in the belief that they become part of the deity. In return, contact with Heatonite in such concentrations is reputed to give surviving Rijans a limited capacity to see the future. Evidence has been received telepathically that the Master has been experimenting with Rijan brains built into primitive version of TIRU to project and modify future events. It seems that a sudden energy surge in one of these experiments caused the victim to 'broadcast' with enough psychic force to break through the screening around the laboratory. TIME INSTANT REPLY UNIT (TIRU) Designed by the Time Lords to bring greater order to the 'Chronosphere'. The TIRU is capable of recording specific instants of time and replaying them with modifications and editing. TIRU would be used to repair 'time glitches' that occur throughout the universe. These are almost harmless when they appear in the singular. But combinations of glitches can build into a 'Time Warp'. Order would be increasingly threatened by these the further the Universe travels from Time 0 - the moment of the Big Bang. A complex crystal lattice constructed from Heatonite rods held in a force field is essential to the functioning of the TIRU. THE TIRU IS A VERY DANGEROUS MACHINE IN THE WRONG HANDS. Time itself would be threatened even by an unmodified TIRU if the Master has control of it. RIJAR. An obscure and barren planet lying far from the galactic centre of an isolated giant spiral, Y-Absolem. Rijar's sun is a Red Dwarf only a few times bigger than the planet itself. Brief interest was shown in Rijar when it was first catalogued by a deep space robot probe, due to inexplicable oddities in the orbit of the planet's second moon. However, the All-Worlds Confederation then came under massive attack from the Ky-Al-Nargath. For no apparent reason, or so it seemed at the time, the fiercest fighting in the early stages of this titanic struggle took place in the sector of Y-Absolem. Recent intelligence reports throw considerable light on this mystery. It now seems that the Ky-Al-Nargath were the discoverers of Heatonite, although its existence had been theoretically established several centuries earlier by Prof. Abacus Heaton who gave this most exotic of minerals its name. Indeed it was the Ky-Al-Nargath who developed the mine workings and processing plant now being operated by the Master. Their interest in the mineral can now only be guessed at, as the Ky-Al-Nargath vanished from known space as suddenly as they appeared. Given the war-like nature of the 'Nargies', however, the idea that they were planning to equip their battlefleet with chrono-phasers so that damaged ships could jump back to their pre-impact status would seem likely. It is certainly widely believed among veterans of the Ky-Wars in particular. RIJANS. The people of the 2nd Noon of Rijar named after the parent planet where it is thought they originated. Clearly at one time an advanced life form (Beta O-4h classification) capable of limited space travel. Now degenerated to primitive tribal status due to long exposure to the ill-effects of Heatonite. Rijans are small non-violent humanoids. Very long-lived. Unlikely to cause any trouble to mission personnel. But equally well should not be looked to for help. Their complete lack of aggression means they are utterly enslaved by the Master and will seek to do his will whenever possible. Can be compelled to co-operate but only for strictly limited tasks. CONTROLLERS. The SS of the robot world. Lethal cyber-guards of the Ky-Al-Nargath. Programmed to control all activity in the mine. They have only one response to disobedience -death. Armed with multi-phase probe. Can cause anything from excruciating pain to death by 'nerve burn' - the complete nervous system is instantaneously incinerated. Equipped with sensor banks capable of detecting all forms of radiation including psychic energy. Pleasure circuits built into their computer systems reinforce their programmed viciousness. Causing suffering and death produces a micro power surge in these circuits, but only when the action is objectively needed to extract more effort or to prevent a threat to security. Controllers run on a metal grid through which they draw power from the reactor. Key areas are guarded by the elite SCCS (Super-Cooled Controller Squad). These are fed with a constant supply of Cryostan coolant giving them extra-fast reactions and greater speed. CRYOSTAN PLANTS. A genetically engineered plant form grown for its fruit. This produces an extract that when suitably treated produces a super-coolant fluid. Production of Cryostan fruit is vital to the running of the mining and manufacturing complex as the super-coolant fluid is used to induce super-conductivity in a number of important power circuits and therefore reduces demand on the central reactor. MADRAG. The original dominant specie of the 2nd Noon of Rijar. Mindlessly vicious. Will defend its eggs with a ferociousness that makes distant saurian relatives like Tyrannosaurus Rex seem like kittens. Madrags are to be found in many parts of the mine workings. The fact that they eat Rijans who stray into their territory is seen as a small price to pay by the Master for the extra security their presence brings. Possess probably the most destructive bite of any creature in the Universe. Mutation caused by living near to Heatonite has replaced calcium in teeth and bones with titanium. Jaws held permanently agape by massive muscles that run over the top of the skull and down the back against closing force of highly elastic sinews that connect the jaws together. When released the jaws snap shut with frightening force capable of severing 20cm diameter Ceramival-Vanadium bar. Young released from egg by proximity of suitable food species. Hurled out by special spring mechanism built into the immensely tough but highly flexible shell. Aimed at food source by infra red sensors in snout. Teeth are swung forward so that they spear into flesh a fraction of a second before the jaws spring shut. Madrags have a passion for the fruits of the Cryostan plant which have long been fed to them on the orders of the Master. They use the super-coolant fluid to make nerve fibres super conducting. This gives them lightening responses and makes them perfect guard dogs. MEMORY CAPSULE. Holds plans for the TIRU. Protected by a Vablatt Berkofski security field and therefore entirely immune to snooping even by trained telepaths. The capsule was stolen from the Time Lords by a renegade known as the Master. It is vital that it is re-claimed to prevent further misuse. SPLINX As the personal emissary of the Time Lords themselves, The Doctor is utterly forbidden to carry weapons of any kind. However, he is not expected to face the many dangers of the Mines of Terror entirely empty-handed. To assist him when things get extremely tricky, and that's most of the time, he has a cunning little electronic helper called Splinx. Although she looks like an ordinary Earthly moggie, Splinx can be programmed to carry out simple tasks. Fortunately, most of the other inhabitants of the Mines of Terror - including the mindlessly vicious Madrag - simply ignore Splinx. This means she can move about the vast alien mining and manufacturing complex, fetching and carrying for the Doctor, entirely unmolested. A bit like the Tardis, there is rather more to the inside of Splinx than appears on the outside. Objects considerably larger than the Splinx will disappear without trace into her hyperspace load module. It must be stressed, however, that this only applies to objects. Any attempt to get Splinx to swallow a Madrag, for example, will not meet with success. Thanks to sophisticated shielding, whatever Splinx is carrying remains hidden from the full battery of sensors that are standard equipment on the Controllers. Splinx is powered by Ulrick Neobium energiser cells. She must be taken to a power point from time to time so that the cells can be re-charged. Here is a list of the seven instructions Splinx can be programmed to follow: a. SHUT DOWN. Splinx will become inactive to conserve power. b. FOLLOW. Splinx will follow the Doctor. c. PICK UP. Splinx will pickup any object within reach. d. DROP. Splinx will put the object down. e. RE-CHARGE. Splinx will connect to the terminals if close to a re-charge point. f. GOTO. There are several markers which can be thrown or dropped to mark points on the journey. When instructed, Splinx will go to the marker with the given number and then carry out further tasks as required. g. RETURN. Splinx will attempt to return to the Doctor. Putting splinx through her paces. An example.The Doctor can use Splinx to collect an object and bring it back to him, even though it is guarded by a light beam - Splinx is invisible to photo-sensors, too. He throws the Marker 1 past the beam to land near the object. He then gives Splinx her instructions: Fl (Goto Marker 1) B (Pick up object there) G (Return with object) D (Drop the object) Once Splinx has been programmed she simple needs to be activated to automatically carry out the sequence. This is a very basic example of how Splinx can be used. It is advisable to experiment thoroughly with her, before using Splinx on an important job. INSTRUCTIONS ON DISTRACTING A MADRAG. Madrags eat you first and ask questions afterwards. This makes getting out of the mine somewhat hazardous, as you've probably noticed. The trick is to use Splinx to distract the beast. Move left from the TARDIS and climb down the first ladder. Get a Splinx marker from the Doctor's pocket and drop it here. Walk right until you see the Madrag eggs. Don't get too close, it could seriously damage your health. Now get another marker and throw it to the right to load near the eggs. Call up the Splinx command menu and instruct her as follows: Goto marker (The one near the egg.) Pickup object (An egg in this case.) Gets marker (The one dropped near the ladder.) Drop object (Splinx will leave the egg.) Return (Splinx will attempt to return to the Doctor.) Do not activate Splinx yet. Leave her SHUT DOWN at this point and make your way back to the TARDIS. Walk to the right, (amping the first two cravauses aod get into the ledge half way up the third. You should now be able to see the Madrag. Activate Spliox and she will collect the egg and move it to the ladder, even though she's Out of sight. As soon as the Madrag senses an intruder moving an egg it will go to investigate. Now quickly drop to the floor of the passageway and dig your way through the rock-fall to the right. This will prove much easier if you have first taken a pick-axe off one of the Rijar. Once you've broken through move to the right into the store room and wait for Splinx to return.